March 12, 2022

Full Worm Moon: 4 Affirmations to Ground into Balance & the New. {March 18}

Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


During the Pisces New Moon at the beginning of the month, the focus was to set new intentions for a pathway to change.

I invite you to do the cha-cha with me because cha-cha changes are here, especially if you implemented ritual during the New Moon on March 2!

The lunar light of the Full Moon in Virgo and the Worm Moon on March 18 illuminates the infinite potential upon us. The prospect of feeling a sense of grounding, balance, and self-compassion is heightened. Even though spring and a new season of life officially begin after the Full Moon on March 20, be ready for a surge of energy nudging us to spring into new.

It’s not a sense of new where everything up to this point is being left behind or swept away. Instead, it is a sense of new energy where we get to celebrate all that we have accomplished and take pride in every effort we’ve made. It is a time of embracing the hard work that is paying off and a time to honor the knowing that we have indeed done enough (even if we don’t feel like it).

Close your eyes for just one moment, and on the in-breath, imagine a light shining down on your body, enveloping you in a pocket of sunrise rays and anchoring you firmly onto the earth. Feel your feet planted, rooted, and grounded into the energy of new that is here.

When you are ready, read on and invite the following four keynotes of this Full Moon to assist you in grounding into a powerful resonance:

1. I am grounded in the thought I can make a big difference playing a small part. 

Let the message of this Worm Moon remind us that something as small as a worm can play an essential role in making a significant difference. Think of the earthworm and the benefit they bring to the ecosystem. Because of their activity in the soil, we have increased nutrients and better drainage. Worms eat fallen leaves, bacteria, and decomposing matter, which provides a more stable soil structure.

As small as the worm may seem to some, the difference they make and what they contribute is grand. We can harness the energy of this lunar phase by letting the advice of the worm guide us.

It’s quite possible the contributions we think may not be worth our efforts are actually causing a ripple effect far more significant than we may be able to notice. Small tasks done with a big heart can and do make a helpful impact.

2. I am grounded in starting where I am and being perfectly comfortable in any space my ego labels imperfect. 

We may feel the nudge to organize things, have clarity in every aspect, and have all in order, even emotionally. This Full Moon is a time to ground in and be present wherever we are. When we can allow things to be just a tad chaotic, we can identify needs and improvements we may not have noticed before.

We would all benefit from being a bit more tolerant of the imperfect, and beyond that, even find beauty and opportunity there. Release expectations, get uncomfortable, notice the coloring outside of the lines, and appreciate it. See what unfolds when we can move forward with confidence, even though everything isn’t exactly how we might have wanted.

3. I am grounded in the lessons of my relationships, and I allow other people to be my reflection.

If relationship inquiries and challenges have been up lately, it is likely only coming up to help. This moon provides a time of healing any lingering relationship issues. In general, Full Moon energy can spark drama, chaos, and action, yet this moon may feel a tad different in that there will be a more gentle side to this. It is an excellent time to clear up miscommunications, disagreements, hurt feelings, and assumptions.

Not sure this applies? Something that may help is to consider the way we project in relationships. If we spot it, we got it; every thought we think of others, each word we speak about someone, and every judgment we make, we are able to identify as it lies somewhere within ourselves. Therefore, this is also an excellent time to transform the relationship with self. When we notice the revelations and thoughts that drop in when we are around others, we will see a pathway available for the betterment of collective energy.

4. I am grounded in balance through my rituals. My future is encoded in my daily routine. 

It is a most excellent time to review daily rituals, day-to-day functions, and routines. No matter what area we would like to have a fresh start in—physical or mental health, relationships, career, money, family, spirituality—we have to bring order and containment to that area of focus.

This moon is in Virgo, which rules the tools and techniques of our day-to-day life. We can ground in and bring more balance to life by paying attention to our day-to-day. One of the authors who have inspired a foundation for my daily rituals is Hal Elrod, who wrote The Miracle Morning. I agree when he writes:

“How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused and productive mornings carry over to successful days and ultimately successful lives.” ~ Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning

From my perspective, if we want to love where we are going, we have to love where we are. If we don’t love where we are, we can change the resonance with our daily habits and rituals, and now is the perfect time to spark new ones.

Do any of these resonate as helpful for you? I would love to know in the comments! Please do share. May we all be blessed with feeling a sense of grounding, purpose, and balance.


More on this Full Moon: Virgo Full Moon: An Invitation to Be with What Is. {March 18}


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