March 3, 2022

How Elephant Works. And, it’s time to stand up for this Community.

How Elephant Works, with founder Waylon Lewis.

For those of you newer to Elephant Journal and our community, welcome. Below I explain some about our ecosystem, about writing on Elephant, whether we always promote your article (we do, but not much, unless we love it or it takes off because of your community or our shares). I talk about payments, about culture, about criticism vs. being mean.

Let us not conflate vulnerability with weakness.

Often, I’m transparent, vulnerable about feeling lost or discouraged…these are hard times for many of us, all over the world. But let’s not confuse vulnerability with weakness. We should feel concerned. We should be open, honest, and okay with not feeling okay, relaxed and aware of feeling concerned. I do.

Constructive criticism but not ad hominem, boundaries, my leadership/service style, Elephant’s community guidelines, writing on Elephant, how to support Elephant as an indie media community and company, what Elephant owes you as a writer…basically: why we’re here.

Writer’s guidelines https://www.elephantjournal.com/write/
FAQ? https://www.elephantjournal.com/elephant-journals-general-faq/
Ecosystem: https://www.elephantjournal.com/elephant-journals-ecosystem-faq/
Community guidelines: https://www.elephantjournal.com/elephant-journals-content-agreement-community-guidelines/


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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 875,165