“This lady seems like a winner. Seriously she is smart informed and empathetic. Get that date.”
Comment: “For what it’s worth, I have two Russian friends and they both hate Putin for the same reasons. That’s why I feel awful for both Ukraine and the regular Russian people. Two nations suffering for one man’s ego and appetite for power/wealth.”
“I don’t come here for real feelings. Poor girl.”
“Kind of puts other types of suffering and perspective, doesn’t it? I’m over here bitching about gas prices and my groceries, but holy fuck, this is really terrible.”
I wondered if this was real. A few comments on that.
“I read that and thought to myself, if she’s legit then holy shitballs I hope they don’t somehow see those messages”
“I’m russian and, unfortunately, it’s all true.”
“Does everyone in Russia learn English this well? I thought it was fake because the English was perfectly written.”
Definitely not everyone, but plenty do.”
Here’s the full conversation:
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