March 2, 2022

(Why must we) Bomb the World.

Not unlike most of the world, I’ve been deeply moved by the war in Ukraine.

I’ve gone through the gamut of emotions, and I’m sure more are coming. I’ve been shocked, stunned into silence. Pangs of anger and confusion have rolled through my body as I listen to the news or read the latest articles. I’ve made dinner with tears dripping down my face. And I’ve smiled, truly, honestly smiled at the responses of people all around the world.

I’m rocked. But I’m not alone.

Last week I shared this quote with our Elephant Journal readers and it lifted my heart and my spirits to know that it resonated with others as much as it did with me. Sharing is caring, right? So here’s that original quote:

“We can bomb the world to pieces
But we can’t bomb it into peace” ~ Michael Franti

And here, to complete the experience, is the song that it originates from:

These lyrics so beautifully put into perspective the needless, unnecessary, wasteful, outdated concept of war and encourage us to think twice about our motives and what we could, or should, be doing instead. And so I ask, humbly: why must we bomb the world?

There’s nothing quite like music to bring people together. May this song speak to your heart.

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author: Molly Murphy

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