April 26, 2022

5 Tips to Walk through the Doorway of Change on the New “Dark” Moon & Solar Eclipse. {April 30, 2022}


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Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


On April 30, 2022, we will be blessed with a powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse, also a Dark Moon.

Say hello to the “savasana” of all Moon Cycles, a transformative Solar Eclipse, and a New Moon that sets the tone and intention for colossal transformation.

Unite those themes, and we have a push into a new phase of life.

While that is enough to be delighted about, this is not your average Solar Eclipse. Any metamorphosis you may have sensed coming will likely be paired with a sudden urgency to activate new energy that will maintain a long-term shift.

While each Solar Eclipse will vary in its impact on us, we have a slight hint around this one. The energy was very similar in April of 2014. So look back to that time to better understand how to flow with it.

What we can expect at this time is clear, concise guidance. We experience one of two things—areas that need correction and redirection or affirmation and assurance. Circumstances and events where we feel energized and feel good in our bodies remind us to stay on our current path.

However, if we are wandering and losing sight of living aligned with our values, we may find a course correction in a sudden change we weren’t expecting or a circumstance we see as a loss (but is actually a win in the long run). It’s helpful to remember that challenging occasions are only whispering to us to get back on track.

We will all experience both ends of the pendulum swing, supportive and disruptive, throughout our lives. As long as we notice the difference and stay aware of the themes, we can advance optimally and feel good in our bodies.

Either way, one thing sure to be energized during this fantastically dark and mystical New Moon Solar Eclipse is a change that will push us into authenticity and nudge us toward living an embodied life.

Want to make this transition easy?

Here are five considerations to empower us to stay the course during this power-full New “Dark” Moon and Solar Eclipse:

1) Do not resist change.

We all ebb and flow through life and experience moments where we know something has to change from deep within, yet we resist. Maybe it’s because we are scared of the unknown or nervous about possible discord change will bring. Now is not a time to fight little voices inside, nor the whispers nudging us to transform old stories. Instead, we can get comfortable with the discomfort of moving forward without knowing what will come next. We will benefit by being honest and looking at what we have avoided. When we avoid or resist transformation, there is likely frustration and irritation. We can use those as a cue that something is not working and look at addressing them. When we surrender to the unknown, with a trusting faith that better will come, we submit to full embodiment and allow all that is aligned to unfold

2) Look at “big” feelings.

Our feelings and emotions tell us so much, and now is an excellent time to decode them. We can use this quiet time to tune out the noise and instead tune into our feelings. If we can notice where we have been irritated, frustrated, anxious, or curious over the past few years, we will have significant clues into what does and does not work. We will also have insight into what is necessary to adjust to having a sense of greater embodiment. Emotions are such excellent tellers if we listen to them. Read more here: 7 Common (Uncomfortable) Emotions & What they may be Calling us to Do.

3) Reclaim all senses and nudges of the body.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse on a dark moon is a perfect time to be fully in our bodies, aware, and feel into all of our senses. A dark moon truly is the savasana of the moons. If we consider the savasana pose, the final resting pose at the end of almost every yoga practice, we can perhaps understand how it forces us to just be. I have a yoga teacher friend who says it may just be the most difficult of yoga poses, as relaxation and pause can be difficult for our busy bodies. Yet, it is so important.

With so much happening in our world provoking sadness, fighting, and war, it’s all too normal and easy to feel the pressure and emotions of the news and social media. To be grounded in our bodies and purpose, we have to get an unapologetic connection with how our body feels and what it is telling us. When we can revitalize the energy in our bodies and truly feel what is “right” or aligned in our senses, we can fully step into our service and embody who we came to this earth to be. But we must then pause, tune, and note what decision, thought, idea, the relationship feels good and what doesn’t. This is much easier when we have alone time.

4) Watch the doors swing open.

The likelihood of a new pathway or opportunity opening for us is high. So it will be helpful for us to stay in a state of awareness and simply watch which doors open, which opportunities show up, and even which endings happen (as new beginnings are sure to follow). Be aware and alert, and feel into the body to understand what is aligned and not. There will likely be sudden revelations and unexpected opportunities, so be open.

5) Spend time alone.

Given the Dark Moon energy present on 4/30, spending time solo and removing ourselves from extensive collaborations is supportive. Personal growth reflection will be up for the collective, and while we can consider what we receive (or don’t) in our close relationships, we will best be able to clarify what to do with it, when we are solo. And while we take some space to be, coming up with a direct intention for optimal living will be fully supportive!

What stands out to you when you think about activating the energy for alignment and full embodiment? Please share in the comments, or feel welcome to connect in the community for accountability.

May this time bless you in change, purpose, and belonging, and may we all follow the nudges so that the total lunar eclipse on May 16 delivers easy-to-follow commands.


Another interesting read: Upcoming Eclipse Season: The Change of a New Dawn Calls to the Brave.


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: kathrinhonestaa/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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