April 9, 2022

8 Ways to Reignite Passion in our Intimate Relationships.


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Have you ever spotted that perfect social media couple?

You know who I’m talking about. That flawless power duo who always have it together. Dressed to the nines, showcasing trips to new bistros or lavish vacation spots. Those gushing romantic twosomes professing their love sipping mimosas on luxury yachts. Their sweet banter never misses a beat while immaculate lighting doesn’t betray one line of crow’s feet. Working overtime to maintain the facade, they display perfection at every turn.

I’m not going to lie. I once rode the social media train. I’m guilty of sharing anniversary pics and wide grins from rare date nights.

Social media comments like “perfect couple” always left me feeling a little unnerved and icky. Let’s face it—social media’s not real and no relationship’s perfect. These images are a far cry from what’s really going on. We can set the stage, but in reality, we’re just figuring it out as we go along.

There’s nothing wrong with sharing our unions, but doing it excessively can be a flag that something’s off. Studies show that couples who post a lot on social media tend to be insecure about their relationship. Social media also contributes to unhealthy comparisons and unrealistic expectations for relationships. Couples can spend more time curating images to present themselves to others than on their actual relationship.

Instead of sharing our latest date night happenings and fancy getaways, maybe put away our phones, learn about each other, and prioritize real connection. Be there in space with someone you know as your true friend. Realize the imperfect, raw, messy, and magical parts that make your union special.

It’s holding space for each other and showing compassion when life throws curve balls. It’s taking an honest look at our faults while having the courage to make changes that are necessary for growth. More so, it’s making ourselves available, opening our hearts, and demonstrating kindness, respect, and vulnerability.

Here are eight ways we can reconnect and reignite the passion in our intimate relationships:

1. Touch.

Offer a long, soft hug, curl up in each other’s arms, or share a sensual massage. Touching is paramount to human communication, bonding, and health.

2. Exercise.

Get moving and get the endorphins flowing. Working out together enhances emotional connection and can help with motivation.

3. Immerse in Nature.

Go for a walk, hike to your favorite spot, or sit quietly and sun gaze. Nature helps you feel relaxed, reduces feelings of stress and anger, and does wonders for improving mood.

4. Make Healthy Meals.

One handles the main course and the other fixes the side item, and voila! Cooking doesn’t have to be fancy or a drawn-out process. Sometimes, it’s the tastiest meals that require only a handful of real ingredients. The better we feel, the better we treat each other.

5. Create Something.

Paint, draw, make music, sing, write, dance, or whatever you like. My husband and I absolutely love to write and record off-the-wall commercials. Think back to when you first met or try something new. Pick something that causes those uncontrollable belly laughs to erupt.

6. Share ideas.

Communication is key. So is bouncing our ideas off each other. When’s the last time you discussed those crazy, lofty plans with your partner? Engaging in “what if” scenarios and talking about our dreams creates excitement, keeps us engaged, and provides opportunities for growth. Your partner can be your biggest supporter if you let them.

7. Help others.

Being of service together, while doing something you both enjoy, can make you feel more grateful for your blessings. Exhibiting kindness is contagious and can ultimately lead to less judgement and more feelings of compassion.

8. Be sexually intimate.

I saved the best for last. Sex and intimacy are priorities. Schedule it if you need to. Physical and emotional connection helps with positive social functioning and is associated with bonding, trust, and loyalty. It also releases tension, keeps you fit, and your skin glowing. So, stay in, turn the shades down, tune out the rest of the world, and just get lost in each other.

“A great relationship doesn’t happen because of the love you had in the beginning, but how well you continue building love until the end.” ~ Unknown

How do you “keep it real” and the passion alive in your relationship? I’d love for you to share in the comments!


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author: Whitney Patterson

Image: muhammedsalah_/Instagram

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