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April 5, 2022

A singular Goal: Joy

Photo by ilaria88 on Pexels.

Kondo made it popular, but psychology makes it logical.

The question?

“Does this bring me joy?”

It’s that simple. We don’t even have to write more. No need for further action.

The simplest of things are the best of things.

Does writing bring me joy? Yes. Do I get excited to get to work as soon as I wake up? Yes. Is it easy? No. Anything but.

Will I keep doing it anyway, in spite of some hardships? Absolutely.

‘Find your joy’ is the tag line of one of my favorite creators on TikTok. It’s a core theme across the internet which is a good thing.

Simplicity is the art of living well.

Finding your joy is the art of living with intention.

Creating a life where you can have both?

A rebellious act in a loud, crowded world where everyone is raising their voice, talking all at once, and trying to be the ‘best’ of all the things at the same time.

That’s it. That’s the whole thing.

Clean, simple truth w/out bombs (enough of the war talk trend, it’s too toxic).

I’m on a journey of living in joy of the simple things, the easy feeling and the love of whatever it is that I decide to do this day.

Is my life so privileged or elitist that I can do that?

Not at all. The opposite actually.

Which is why it’s even more important.

To live with intentional internal peace, we heal the wounds inflicted by a world determined to see us fail at life.

Effortless is not in my wheelhouse. Determined Joy is.




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