April 15, 2022

Words We can Say to Someone we Love when they’re Afraid of Losing Us.

My girlfriend told me today that she was worried.

I asked her what was worrying her and she was a little embarrassed to answer, but finally did: “I am worried that I may lose you.”

I have been there—several times actually—and not once did I have someone who gave me reassurance. We all want reassurance; we want to feel safe and be able to have a heart and mind that are at peace.

So, I gave her something that I wish someone had given me, and I want to share it, so we can all give it to those we love who may be feeling a bit insecure—for whatever reason:

Baby, I am sorry if I did anything to make you feel as if you could lose me. My intentions are to be with you, to be in your life, to explore with you, and to become stronger with you.

Who knows where all of that will take us. Sometimes I feel we should not tweak what we have because it is so good and to be careful with that we wish for, but today, right now, I feel amazing about you—about us.

Let’s enjoy “now” instead of taking away from it thinking about what may come—which we cannot control. “Now” is how we laugh and make love and cook together and go on trips and have a beer on your porch. Now is how we hold each other at night and how we miss each other when we are apart. Now is how we kiss when we come together again.

Now is how we go apart to live our independent lives and how we feel that we are still together. Now is how I am able to wake up at night and not feel fear or worry—because I know you are with me. Now is how I feel when you show me your love.

Being with you is like being on a beach in Hawaii; being without you would feel like being at a Motel 6 in Birmingham—I chose Hawaii!

I promise I want to be good to you, and that entails putting forth my highest effort to be loyal, truthful, respectful, and reciprocal with you—with us.

I love you.


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Guillermo Quijano  |  Contribution: 11,170

author: Guillermo Quijano

Image: Yulia Polyakova/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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