May 11, 2022

4 Words that Help us Get in Touch with our Emotions.


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These two small statements are so loaded.

The possibilities are virtually endless.

So much can be done on a daily basis, if only these two small statements could be replayed over and over in one’s head, until they become a gospel.

I uttered these two small statements to 30 women in my fitness classes a few days ago. Do you think that I made an impact? Do you think I changed lives?

The answer is…I don’t know.

What I do know is that I’m trying to do less judging and more feeling on my end.

I am listening more. I am using all of my senses more. I am receptive to change. I am not going to be dismissive, mean, intolerant, or arrogant.

These two simple statements, when repeated regularly, can result in a much more balanced and focused you.

Before I began my session with 30 women, I wondered as I scanned the room, “What could I say to all of these women collectively that could potentially shift their thinking?”

In my opening remarks, I said, “Judge less and feel more.”

I didn’t give any context or site any examples. I simply left it up to each individual to figure out their own way.

In my opinion, when you judge less, you free up space all around you and within you; you give yourself freedom to think more clearly and process information better. Your nervous system relaxes. Your “mean streak” takes a back seat.

When you feel more, you are instantly present, focused intently on the task(s) at hand, and frankly, more beautifully vulnerable.

I love this. You can give yourself total access to feel every emotion on the spectrum.

Zero regrets. No more hiding or shame or guilt.

Judge less. Feel more. 

What does this all mean to you?

Think about it.

And I think you should do more of it.


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Stephanie Mezei  |  Contribution: 20,025

author: Stephanie Mezei

Image: julieetozzy/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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