May 12, 2022

5 Tips to move through Big Surprises this Full (Blood Red) Moon. {May 15}

full moon

Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


We kicked off eclipse season with a New “Dark” Moon, Solar Eclipse on April 30th.

The moon was in a similar position in April of 2014, and we could have received clues as to what is transpiring for us if we looked back at our calendars, journal entries, and photo shares.

There may have been significant changes calling to us; I have seen clients quit old stagnant jobs, create new endeavors like a jewelry shop, leave unsupported marriages, and introduce new family members. I found big changes calling to my own heart, and things that were once a part of my life pre-Covid (like leading retreats and Sunday Funday maskless date days with my husband) are birthing again.

So while we may have nudges and whispers thus far on what is up for change, a Full Moon in Scorpio and Lunar Eclipse on May 16 will clarify the significant changes unfolding. For those of us into astrology, it’s worthy to note this May full moon falls in Scorpio, the sign of sex, death, and change. Pair that with a lunar eclipse (a time of profound letting go of what doesn’t serve), the fact that this is a Blood Red Moon (a pathway that encourages us to look at our shadows), and we have a transformation stew that will be served up for the masses.

While there may be sudden and swift change happening around us, here are five tips we can apply to move through with a bit more ease, no matter how big any surprise.

1) Let’s all do a check-in with the May 26, 2021 version of ourselves.

There was a Super Flower Blood Moon, similar to what we have now. What was going on? There was likely a similar storyline and theme to what is up now. I found many hints of transformation when I looked back. I found photos of our reconstructed yard as we made room for a garage, messages with a marketing team about changing my brand, and a new fridge blessed our home after the old one died (representative of health in Feng Shui). I also found a photo of my late Papa from an article I wrote “14 Ways to say Goodbye & Support Someone in Death: In Memory of Papa Rossi.” I don’t yet know how these things will take effect, I am open to the changes (and the sting) that might accompany them. I’m also reminded in these reflections that there is nothing I can’t get through.

2) Expect the unexpected, then we won’t be caught off guard.

Change is very likely to happen for all of us during this lunar phase. If we can surrender to the idea that the chance for surprises is high, and release attachments to outcomes, we will be better off in balance. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is also an incredible time to say yes to opportunity and take a chance, especially if it is a second chance.

3) Bring balance to mind and emotions.

The time is now for us to release all that doesn’t serve, including worrisome thought-forms. Yoga, breathwork, and practicing meditation will help us harmonize our being. Even five minutes goes a long way. For those who have a hard time processing emotions and listening to their guidance, check out7 Common (Uncomfortable) Emotions & What they may be Calling us to Do.”

4) We can empower our life by only saying yes to what feels super accurate for us and feels good in our bodies.

Make decisions that feel authentic. For those that may benefit from a few extra inspirational words with this one, read7 Checkpoint List: Are you Being Authentic or Cheating Yourself?

5) We can remind ourselves following endings are always new beginnings.

Saying goodbye can be very hard, and it’s not beneficial to bypass grief associated with loss. We have to be with it, process it. At the same time, when we are open to seeing the lessons of completions, we may get a small peek into what is next. Even a tiny glimmer of hope can make a loss feel easier. Find the good and the lesson. While there will likely be unexpected change, we can try to remember that we are all being realigned into what is next and optimal for our souls. For any of us who can benefit from a reframe, check out Our Most Challenging Situations: How to Reframe our Positions in Life.”

Are you feeling the energy build on any of these already? I know I certainly am, and I have all of the feels—delight for what is to come, a little hesitation knowing there will be big change (and likely some endings), and a balanced awareness I hope I can carry through.

I would love to hear from you in the comments about what you may be sensing or what your May 2021 self might be sharing! If you want added support or to connect in community, join me, you can also find me here!

May this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse bring ultimate blessings for optimal living of authentic embodiment.


More on this full moon: Scorpio Full Blood Moon & Lunar Eclipse: Rebirthing Ourselves Whole. {May 15/16}


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Mystic Art Design/Pixabay

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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