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May 16, 2022

“Mindful Writing” When We Feel Like We Are Coming Undone

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

Writing can be a healing tool and soothing balm when life leaves us burning and raw.

Most therapists encourage this as a tool for self-awareness and change.

How does one start when  one feels upside down and turned around?

When you don’t know where to start and you are writing I encourage the following:

Begin with where you are at in the moment and how you feel in your body including all the sensations and feelings.

How do you feel in this moment?

What are your thoughts?

Is there some that ignite a spark?

Feel that excitement and spark and breathe into it.

Begin with setting up the stage for writing and create that sacred space. Write now without judgement or expectations. Let whatever comes up flow onto the page. Now I encourage you to get curious about what you are writing and lean in.

Open your mind to the possibilities. If some doubts creep in regarding the content or the process remind yourself to be gentle and stay with the topic reframing and redirecting your mind.

Writing is a brave courageous act.

Mindful writing is a process in which we use our whole body and mind. and this lets the ideas flow.

Remind yourself that you are a creator and creations flow through and out.

Remind yourself that there is no perfect place to start. We can write from the beginning, middle or end and go back to other sections.

What matters is the act of writing not the content or the quality. The process is what matters and doing it mindfully.

When we feel like we are coming undone at one end we can still move forward. This is called  being human and a powerful creator.

We are all beings of light and “sparks’ are our creative genius. Yes, each and everyone one of you is a creative genius.

Mindfully, awaken to the joy of the art of writing and come back home to your true essence.

There is no time like the present and we can all begin right where we are.

Mindful writing creates a sense of openness and trust in the process.

We learn to be kind with what comes up and stay with ourself.

We learn to dream, laugh and love first with ourselves and then others.

Be brave and writer on.

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