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June 7, 2022

In the Age of “Going Viral”, Going Within Could Be Your Only True Solution to Success.

Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev on Pexels.

I’m a publicist, a ghostwriter and a media consultant. So, it should be no surprise to you that a lot of my clients want to “go viral”.

There’s a thought process in the collective of the internet that says, if more people could just see me, I’d make more money and change the world.

I’d argue that most people who want to go viral, really just want to make money. And, I love money!

But here’s the secret: it’s in the inward connection that the outward world can truly see you. 

Because if you can’t see yourself, you can’t see your genius. And you cannot relate that genius to the human’s who need you.

To me, the ultimate confusion of running an online business (and this is coming from a messaging expert) is trying to put yourself into a box that fits into four lines. (I’m looking at you, Instagram bios!) 

The definition of yourself, while important, has very little to do with your ability to attract clients and magic.

While we may think dancing to the latest reel, or looking sexier will attract people into our work: the truth is our attraction to ourselves creates the depth needed for other’s to flicker into our world.

So, that being said, if you find yourself wildly attractive after editing your Instagram bio to the point of clarity, and then you post a reel: the client appears.

You say: this works, I’ll continue to post so much!!!!

However, you could have skipped that stepped and just gotten sexy with yourself. The client would then have to fill out your inquiry form on your website by energetic attraction law. No dancing, filters and distraction required.

It may seem tempting to discredit me as we’ve been taught we must:

  1. Post on Social Media
  2. Pick a Target Audience
  3. Dance to the Latest Trend
  4. Share on Stories Daily (even when it’s a ugly cry day)
  5. Sell, Sell, Sell

However, from the new paradigm of Marketing… what if we just went within? And that was the ability to attract people we want to help?

That would look like:

  1. Giving yourself what you need
  2. Connecting to your love of work
  3. Doing work for the human’s currently in your world with love and gratitude
  4. Expecting more people who you can help to show up
  5. Greeting them at the door

In order for my 5 steps to beat out the 5 steps you are use to… you’ll have to give up the desire to have 10,000-1000,0000 followers, the blue check mark and the viral content.

By giving it up, you may receive it anyway. But more importantly, you will be integrity of the values within you so you can help the people who were always meant to come into your Universe for assistance.

Otherwise, you will always be in an attraction point of seeking, and chasing. Even if you’re one of those Instagram coaches who tells people to “attract not chase”.

Put your focus on you.

Go within.

Release the need to prove your validity through a view count.

Be led.


Enjoy the process.

I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.

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