June 10, 2022

My second book, “It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life,” is finally here.

My second book is here.

“It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life.” Really.

By Waylon H. Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal and author of the best-selling “Things I would like to do with You,” “It’s Never too Late” is simple: daily quotes with commentary to help you through your days.

Chockfull with Buddhist wisdom, environmental tips, activism, and life lessons learned the hard way (made accessible so you might learn ‘em the easy way)…this carbon-negative, plastic-free gift book opens up a life of meaning, caring, change, and joy for a world in need.

If you pre-ordered, update your address or you won’t get it! Email [email protected] urgently asap now now now if you have moved since ordering the book.

I hope you’ve been well. I’ve been busy, and happy, and injured, and busy, and sad. But mostly busy.

My second book is here. It’s titled “It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life.” It’s full of all the helpful wisdom I wish I’d had when I was young. Buddhist wisdom, made accessible or digestible even for thick-headed troublemakers like myself. Environmental tips I learned from my mom, or in my own path. Activism replete with caring. It’s my “if I get run over by a truck with zero visibility tomorrow book.”

​And, with that, maybe I’ll get a nap in.

Final week to pre-order, while we catch up on shipping 1,000s of books.


If you have the book, share it up and tag #itsnevertoolatetofallinlovewithyourlife and @waylonlewis and @elephantjournal, and we’ll almost certainly reshare it, getting you some love and attention from our big social accounts by way of thanks. It’ll really help our indie book operation if community is so inspired to pitch in.

We’ve shipped many 100s of books already, in only 1.5 days, plus I’ve signed 1,000s of books and bookmarked (every book gets a free eco bookmark with a tassel we put in, the tassel is natural fiber and reused) every one of ’em, personally. Michelle and Hannah have helped tassel the bookmarks, Lindsey has helped coordinate it all, and Juliana has led the charge boxing and shipping and taking your books to the Post Office.

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