July 7, 2022

Sex Magic: A Way to Manifest Your Dream Life.

I love trying different things to bring my dreams into reality. And I love sex.

So naturally enough, I was drawn to the idea of sex magic. Who doesn’t want to climax their way to a better life?

In sex magic, orgasms are considered the most potent force of creation, and by using that force as a manifestation tool, you link your desire with something that feels ooo so good. Your orgasm summons energy locked inside your body and uses the orgasmic vibrations to intensify your manifestation.

Manifesting is all about tapping into what feels good. And what feels better than an orgasm or multiple orgasms!? Whether you reach climax solo or with a partner, sex magic is a really effective way of tapping into your dreams and bringing them to reality.

Here’s what I’ve manifested through sex magic:

I’ve been practising sex magic on and off for a few months, and here’s what I’ve manifested. Some big stuff, some small stuff. But all things that I wanted.

New clients

While I don’t manifest specific people or try to overpower someone else’s free will, I’ve used sex magic to be a magnet for clients. And it worked. Whenever I set my sex magic intention to be a magnet for new clients, I would get multiple new clients.

A holiday

I really wanted to go away on a break. And I didn’t have any plans. Within a few days of “my practice,” I was asked to go on a trip and flights to visit my sister went on sale and were super affordable. Two trips…one orgasm! Not bad.

A new friend

I feel weird even saying this, but I wanted a new friend who was on my vibe. Self-employed, big goals, big dreams, and local. And she landed right in my lap when I least expected it.


This is probably top of everyone’s manifestation list. It’s not really top of mine right now. I manifested about €2,000 from one orgasm. It was exactly the amount I wanted, and it was totally unexpected. And it came out of the blue a few days later. How good is that?


I have an open G-Centre, so I lose my direction from time to time. I need a lot of fluidity in my life, but using sex magic, I’ve kept a more consistent sense of self, purpose, and direction, and I feel more aligned.

Business opportunities

I found I was receiving many invites to join programmes, teach masterclasses, write articles, be on podcasts, and more. And the creative juices were really flowing.

I manifested so much more…lots more.

Sex magic solo or with a partner?

I am a proud single woman. But I did have a lovely friend help me out with this experiment. I sent him a message during the day to ask him to come over specifically for sex magic, and he told me it was the best message he had ever received. He did ask if I was going to sacrifice him at the end. (I did not.)

I don’t think it really matters if you are alone or with a partner. I did find it harder to focus on my intention with someone, only because his needs are just as important as mine. Many of the bigger or more important things came from self-pleasure, so I think I will keep it as a solo practice.

There are so many great crystal toys that you can use; rose quartz is incredible for self-love, amethyst is perfect for spiritual guidance and connection, and obsidian is ideal for working through trauma. And they come in a range of shapes and sizes, from crystal vibrators to yoni eggs that can help you tap into your energy.

It’s less about opening your legs and more about intention

As tempting as it is to get straight down to business, the best way to start your sex magic practice is to set an intention. Either write down what you want and focus on that for a few minutes, or if you have a vision board sit with it and get in the vibe of what you want to manifest.

If you’re on your own, you might keep your intentions beside you to tap back into them as needed. If you’re with someone, stick them under the mattress or leave them nearby. Whatever makes you most comfortable.

With your intention in mind, do a little meditation or breathwork before sex or masturbation to start to embody your desires. When you’re ready to climax, bring your intention into full focus and visualise your desire.

Once you are done, take a few minutes to be in your personal energy. Allow yourself to be in your desire for as long as you can.

Sex magic can be an incredible way to manifest your dream life and reach your personal goals. And it’s a great way to release your personal energy out to the world and create the reality you truly want.

As with all manifestations, you start with the intention. If you’re not clear on what you want, then you won’t get the results you want.


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