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July 30, 2022

Moving Mountains and a Conversation With God

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels.

“Just write”, whispered a voice from deep within and I listened.

This past month I have experienced an ongoing dialogue with “God”.

Yes, I have been talking to the divinity that resides within and that which is beyond.

Everything that I have been up against so far in life feels like I have been moving mountains.

These mountains are the creation of my own doing. We all have them.
These are the large scale momentous blocks that we place in front to keep us safe, stuck or blocked.

It was during isolation and a bout of Covid that God’s voice became louder. During periods when the sun was piercing my eyes and my heart felt broken God spoke to me.
There was no place to run and no distractions so I  “listened”.

I realized that I wasn’t broken sometimes it just feels this way.

I leaned in towards God instead of away.

I prayed pouring out my heart. I let God know why I kept love at a distance.
The conversations started like a talk with my own father.

After pouring out my heart I listened for God’s response. In desperation I felt vulnerable and cold. Here I waited.

As the sun set this was my response:

Darling Child,

Life feels like it is uphill in the struggle.

Surrender here.

Sweet daughter you are everything I have ever hoped for.

These mountains that are in your way they are movable for even mountains move.

My sweet one, you are gifted with light.

Rest easy love.

Everything you need is a breath away.

Put down your burdens.

Let worries pass with the clouds.

You are not alone dear one.

God is always near.

I can move mighty mountains for my love is the sun, wind and rain.

My love is everlasting.

With the last phrase my heart lightened and the tears flowed.

” I will rest easy” I whispered

My heart was cracked open.

This is how God moves mighty mountains.
One heart at a time.

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