August 31, 2022

Waylon’s reading of “It’s Never too Late” at the Boulder Book Store is tonight—you’re invited!

My book reading is tonight—please come! The more, quite literally the merrier! It’s my first big reading for my second book: reserve your seat and get $5 off the book when you buy a ticket.

Please come join, ask a question, help make my authorial career a winning thing (my first book is the bestseller, ever, at the Boulder Book Store, apparently).


It took me years, but I wrote my 2nd book. My book reading is tonight—wish me luck!

While I’ve started a successful company out of a childhood of poverty, have lovely community, a sweet home…everything’s been falling apart. That’s how it is, being human, sometimes: we don’t know what’s going on for others. My only wish is to be of benefit. How do we find our way forward, when life falls apart?

For starters: be genuine. No BS. No strategy, per se. Just find catharsis: that relieving sensation we discover that’s halfway in between a broken heart and joy, when we open our hearts and serve others.

I hope you’ll join me at my book reading tonight. It might be the one thing that’s gone right for me over the last year..! And it’s full of helpfulness, everything that has guided me and helped me help others in this life. Without the wisdom I’ve passed along in It’s Never too Late to Fall in Love with your Life, I think I’d be a total wreck. As it is, Dharma, maitri, caring for others and our planet and animals…have kept me honest, open, motivated, awake, vulnerable, and brave in that ucky feeling of vulnerability.

May it be of benefit!

Not in Boulder? Get your copy: shop.elephantjournal.com

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