September 15, 2022

5 Powerful Quotes from “The Alchemist” that Remind us to Follow our Dreams.

A few months ago, I finished reading The Alchemist for the third or fourth time in my life, and I knew it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

Across each of the carefully crafted 167 pages, I always seem to discover a word, phrase, or paragraph that sparks my soul into action, motivating me to continue to pursue my dreams no matter what. Every time I reach the final page, close up the book, and place it down I find myself muttering to myself “I’ve got to read that again!”

It’s hard to believe that the original version of this timeless masterpiece was written over 30 years ago (1988) with the English translation following in 1993. The first time this book landed in my lap was many years after the initial publication date; the year was 2008 and I was just about to take the plunge and start my first business. It was a huge leap of faith and courage, and I was so glad to have the guidance and wisdom of Santiago’s story to assist me along my path.

I’ve also realised that it’s as much about how you learn and grow in between reading the book than it is about the reading itself. Reading it as a mother and caregiver in 2021 compared to a career climbing 27-year-old in 2008 made a huge difference to my perspective and interpretation of the life messages proposed within each chapter.

Here are five quotes from The Alchemist that can assist in encouraging you to pause and reflect in your day and to realise the importance of following your own intuition and deep longings in life, no matter what obstacles are presented along the way:

1. “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” ~ Paulo Coelho 

2. “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ~ Paulo Coelho

3. “Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” ~ Paulo Coelho

4. “You will never be able to escape from your heart, so it’s better to listen to what it has to say.” ~ Paulo Coelho

5. “Because true love never keeps a man (or woman!) from pursuing (their) destiny.” ~ Paulo Coelho

Throughout your day today, see if you can truly contemplate the meaning of one or more of these quotes to reveal their meaning in your own life.

Are you letting menial, daily distractions rule your day or week?

Have you sat and listened to your heart, mind, and second brain (the gut) to see what they may be trying to tell you?

Is your partner or lover encouraging you to pursue your deeper passions, even if it means missing out on time together in the process?

Only your heart and dreams know the answer.


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Tehla Bower  |  Contribution: 4,150

author: Tehla Bower

Image: Yulia Polyakova/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef

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