September 29, 2022

How to Make the Most out of the Last Days of Mercury Retrograde.


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*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


3 Simple Steps To Manifest Your Desires During This Funky Time.

Mercury Retrograde ends on October 2nd, and now is the perfect time to gear up for manifesting more of what you want and release what no longer serves.

Every time Mercury Retrograde rolls around, I’m reminded of all the habits and traits I need to release to keep evolving.

Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, memory, and transportation, astrologically supports you in saying what you want, getting what you need, having the energy to move forward, and reminding yourself why you wanted to set the goals you did in the first place.

Mercury Retrograde, otherwise known as the optical illusion when Mercury appears to travel backward in the sky four times a year, is when you might experience miscommunication, confusion, regressing to the past, and the inability to move forward and take action.

But, most articles about Mercury Retrograde don’t talk about this:

Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to start manifesting what you want and get clarity about how you want to take action on your goals and dreams.

When Mercury goes direct, energy speeds up, and things fall into place more readily. Sure, Mercury creates all kinds of shenanigans during its retrograde, but it’s helping you to make space for what’s next.

You can’t progress on your book if you’re still overbooked on your calendar.

You’re not going to be able to welcome new clients if you don’t take the time to market yourself. 

You won’t have momentum in your workouts or attend the yoga classes you’ve been longing to get to if you can’t find your mat amongst the clutter of your closet.

Mercury has a job, and its main job is to help us clear out what no longer belongs. It also supports you in getting out of your own way.

With the last few days of Mercury Retrograde, here’s how to make the most of this energy and say goodbye to what needs releasing.

Ask yourself: Before Mercury Retrograde ends, what do I want to accomplish?

Once you know what you want to accomplish post-Mercury Retrograde, write out three “SMART” goals to help you.

Each of these “SMART” goals will include a specific accomplishment, a measurable outcome, an achievable connection, why it’s relevant to your goals, and the time frame you need in which you need it done.

These goals will help you align with the energy of Mercury and start the process of taking action to align with the energy of it going direct.

Ask yourself: What do I want to release?

Thinking about what you want to release and clear out before the end of Mercury Retrograde will allow you to create room for the goals you identified above.

For example, if you pay off a bill, you can make room to save money in October.

If you cancel an appointment, you can make room to attend your workout class.

If you have the hard conversation you’ve been putting off, you create an opportunity for a deeper connection.

Ask yourself: What am I grateful for? 

The effect of gratitude practices is long-lasting. Writing out your gratitude list helps you connect to your heart and remember everything you have that’s good right now.

Before the end of Mercury Retrograde, make sure to number a notebook paper 1-50 and write out 50 things you’re grateful for right now.

Your gratitude might include the sunshine on your face, the birdsong in the trees, or the chips and salsa you just ate, just as much as it will include big things like your family, friends, and pets.

The more I remind myself how much Mercury is trying to help during retrograde, the more I realize I need to tap into the practices to make the most of its energy.

When you align with the Mercury Retrograde lessons of release and reclaim, you might just be more forgiving when your refrigerator conks out alongside it all.

Tell me in the comments: What actions will you take before Mercury Retrograde ends on October 2nd?

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