September 28, 2022

This Fall, I’m going to write. A lot. I’ll work on my third book. With you. ~ Waylon

This Fall, I’m going to work on my third book. I’ll write some articles, and process my life through the practice of genuine writing, or catharsis. That’s what we do in Elephant Academy’s writing program, which isn’t for writers—it’s for humans with experiences and ups and downs and confusion and good hearts.

Today, we’ve reopened admissions. We won’t reopen it again, the deadline is here.

Find your voice. Find your path. Find your community. Together, peers and editors and mentors, we’ll explore lessons in genuine writing, and actually do it.

If you’re waiting for the right moment: it’s here, now, today.

Yesterday, really, but we missed that one.⁠ Every week, we’ll write. We’ll peer-edit each other’s writing. We’ll join a live class, hosted by me, Elephant’s Editor-in-Chief. We’ll learn the tools to empower our writing for business, life, and being of benefit.⁠ ⁠

Deadline opened: Elephant Academy’s writing program isn’t for writers.


Questions: email Molly at academy[at]elephantjournal.com or leave a comment. 

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 1,569,305