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October 1, 2022

The distance in our heart and mind

Distance in our heart and thoughts.

When life throws us down, because of life experiences.

When we all have our morals and beliefs and others played with our heart and emotions. When others has no guilt on their own selfishness and actions.

Then it makes us very weary and self conscious, where we protect ourselves even stronger. That we don’t allow others very close, keeping them at a distance.

Then when their own choices goes south, then all of a sudden, they want you back and trying to reel you back in. When they will never, really understand how it truly make you feel, like you’re just an option. If they really loved you in the first place, why did they let you go, not just once but several times?

Makes you wonder, what their intentions are in many different ways and what their intentions are. Just confuses our thoughts and emotions in many ways. That we don’t really know, how we should actually feel, about the whole situation.

Especially, when you gave them many chances and kept on getting hurt over and over again.

There will always be a trust issue, with them individuals. Because of the past and the hurt, that has occurred, they will never know the true damages, that they have caused to someone. Now they say, that they truly love and care about you.

The hurt and pain never goes away.

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