November 30, 2022

Beat “Old Man Winter” at his Own Game: How to Bolster your Self-Esteem & Maintain Optimal Health during the Colder Months.

When I was a young girl, I loved the winter immensely.

I would get all bundled up from head-to-toe and dive into the snow with enthusiasm and delight. While lying on my back mostly, I would simply marvel in the joy of being alive and feeling the fresh air on my face.

Now that I’m 50, I still enjoy the winter months, but not with the same verve. I love feeling the heat of the sun on my face when the weather is less-than-desirable, I adore the thoughts of hot chocolate, cozy sweaters, and Sherpa throw blankets.

I don’t like the amount of time it takes for the winter season to “close up shop” so that spring can make its debut just a little earlier in the year than it typically does.

I truly believe that whatever the mind conceives, the body will undeniably believe.

If you are the kind of person who despises everything about the cold and the six or seven months of “dicey” forecasts, there’s some encouraging news:

You can beat “Old Man Winter” at his own game and simply buck up. Because none of us can control how long this season will last, we might as well get creative, enjoy the stillness, marvel at the beauty of our surroundings, and work on our physical, spiritual, and mental health.

There are an infinite number of ways to shield ourselves against the “grip” that winter can sometimes have on us. In winter, we tend to hibernate and go out less. We turn to comfort in all areas—comfortable clothes, comfort foods, comfort in each other, comfortable environment. But what about our individual desires? Are you working on keeping yourself sane and grounded when the weather forces you to stay indoors?

How to Bolster your Self-Esteem:

1. Begin a hobby. I know that whenever I engage in a hobby of some kind, I feel confident in myself. I’m taking the time to focus on what makes my heart leap. I love to write, dance, sing, and paint. Everything is always so bleak and grey during the winter months—so I tend to direct my energies toward creating a colorful environment for myself at home. My room is filled with artwork, colorful throw pillows, small sculptures, and photos of my family.

2. Hone in on your hygiene. It can be so easy to let our personal hygiene slide a bit during the winter months—but don’t you dare neglect yourself. Shower regularly, take luxurious baths, slather on the body creams and oils to soften and nourish your dry skin, eat wholesome foods, drink lots of fluids, and so on. Just because you aren’t “painting the town red” doesn’t mean you can’t tend to your body’s needs and look gorgeous at home.

How to maintain optimal health (just a quick list of suggestions—there are millions of ideas):

>> Read more books.
>> Learn about a subject you know nothing about.
>> Eat more green foods.
>> Fill your house with amazing fragrances.
>> Call your friends/family members often and be consistent.
>> Move your body in some way, every single day, for at least 15 minutes.
>> This is non-negotiable: listen to music daily.
>> Sing—even if you suck at it.
>> Laugh.
>> Tell yourself it’s going to be a great day, even before your feet hit the floor as you exit your bed each morning.

In short, “Old Man Winter” doesn’t even have to know he’s losing the game—because if you’re reading these words, you’ve already won.

This is what works for me:  

I bundle up, I step outside my front doorstep, I take a deep, cleansing breath, I look up to the heavens and simply utter these words: “Old Man Winter! You ain’t got nothin’ on me, man!”

Get out there and rock your winter!


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author: Stephanie Mezei

Image: Logan Fisher/Unsplash

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