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November 20, 2022

Spirituality and the Human Design System

It feels like Human Design has been seen as something separate from the spiritual world. This is due largely to its unique language and unusual messenger. But make no mistake this is spirituality at its most potent. Human Design is the mechanics of awakening. To deny that, is to deny its history, its value, and the lived experience of everyone who has seen the benefits of following their HD strategy and inner authority. Let’s take a closer look…

This system is not man-made, it was delivered by the forces to a man named Ra Uru Hu in 1987. He did not willingly channel this information; it was placed in him. Ra wrote many books and taught a select group of students everything he knew about this unique mapping system. The chart it creates, represents the energetic blueprint of each individual on the planet. The information was given to humanity as a manual for awakening. It is a new way to let go of our minds and tap into our inner knowing. This was the help that was sent from the Akash to guide us in these uncertain times.

According to Ra, the year 2027 represents a shift in the background frequency on earth. Old systems are falling away, and the future requires a new approach. Human Design is the new approach. Spirituality has always been about finding your inner wisdom, the chart shows you exactly where it is, and how to tune into it. It is no coincidence that in 2020, Human Design took off in the world. It was the year the eyes of many were open, and it marked the seven-year cycle before the coming shift.

In spirituality we talk a lot about your soul’s purpose on earth. What is it? And how do you discover it? A Human Design chart is the map of your soul, which is made of the personality and the design crystals of consciousness. This is the soul’s path in this lifetime. This is the role you came to live out in this human form. There’s no ambiguity. Deconditioning is letting go of everything that doesn’t align with your soul’s purpose. This is the permission to step into your role.

According to the spiritual realm we all have soul contracts we signed for this incarnation. Unfortunately, we get distracted by the Matrix and forget our true purpose. Human Design helps us to understand our unique mechanics, which realigns you to your destiny. We call this your fractal of geometry. This is how you meet your soul family in this life and complete the contracts that you came here to live out. When you live mechanically correct, everything that is meant for you will manifest.

And speaking of manifestation, new age spirituality speaks a lot about the laws of attraction and manifesting abundance. Those who claim to have mastered the art of manifesting all say that in order to obtain the thing you want; you must detach from it. In Human Design we call this passenger consciousness. Instead of trying to control a desired outcome, we are here to see our lives as a movie we are watching; riveted to see what happens next. Only then will the things show up, and it’s not always what you think.

Enlightenment is a vague and unattainable destination. There has never been a concrete method to arrive at enlightenment, although many gurus have claimed they know the way. Whether it’s God or Nirvana you seek, the answer is always the same. YOU are the answer. Everything you need is already inside you, it’s only your conditioning that says otherwise. Human Design is a return to yourself. It’s a way to remember your true nature and see the perfection in yourself.

This system shows us who we are without judgment. When you stop judging yourself and others you may start to feel an inner harmony. As you surrender to what is, you may fall deeply in love with yourself and find true empathy for the human condition. You may even start to see the eternal beauty and the magnificence of this divine comedy we call life.

If that isn’t a spiritual experience, I don’t know what is.

Zsuzsi Evans is a Human Design Reader & Coach living in Mount Shasta, CA. She has been featured on the Lit AF Podcast, the Rose Yoga Podcast, and as a keynote speaker at the High Desert Human Design conference. If you would like to get your free Human Design chart, visit her site,

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