December 9, 2022

5 Ways to Take Care of Ourselves in the Midst of Uncertainty.

Sometimes Life Hurls Fast and Furious Leaving Us Feeling it All While Trying To Make Sense of The Moment As Well As The Past.

Last week I heard that my previous partner’s mother passed away.

At first, I wanted to reach out and offer condolences and then after some serious thought I decided that it wouldn’t be the best thing for either of us.

Reading her obituary and looking at pictures stirred old feelings and a voice inside told me, “Rene, you have more work to do.”

Often it feels like life is hurling some serious bombs at us. During these times we may feel like time is moving fast and furious. This makes us feel like we are lost or losing the ground beneath our feet. We may question where we are in life and the moments that have brought us to this very place where we stand still questioning and meandering.

This is life.

In the midst of the grief wave last week, I also experienced some other “life bombs,” including broken, blown icy pipes and a car in “autobody urgent care.”

I felt discombobulated, on edge, and on the verge of a Niagara Fall of tears at any given moment.

I knew I needed some extra tender loving care and time to process, so I listened to that higher voice and I let myself feel it all and then move through it; you can too.

The following is a short list of things that we humans can use when we feel the need to ground and take care of ourselves in the midst of uncertainty and hurricane storms:

Look up, down, and left and right. Neuroscience and psychology both tell us that eye movement helps us when in distress. The explanation is the vagus nerve. This little eye movement exercise can help us relax and give us a release of feel-good hormones or at least a little reprieve from that I-am-going-to-die-now feeling.

Now don’t take my word for it. Give this a try. Next time you are overwhelmed and stressed, move your eyes; remind yourself you are right where you are and safe.

Unplug and walk. We often need time to reset; turning off phones and devices and getting outside hitting the pavement or trail is a game changer. Exercise alone will help you let go of the stress and recalibrate. Take time to take in your environment, feel the air, and breathe deeply the fresh, cool air.

Take to the waters. Water is a healing source. Life begins in a womb that is warm, safe, and filled with amniotic fluid. We might not be able to ever feel this safe and secure again; however, we can simulate and experience some bliss and warmth in an aquatic environment.

As adults in a hectic world full of stress and triggers, water can help us soothe our body and mind. A bath, shower, swim, or float in a float spa can be a gentle reminder that we can let go and relax. If a fancy spa or pool is out, pour some Epsom salts in a tub swirl and relax.

Write your heart out. Writing is cathartic and you do not need to be a writer to benefit from the daily art of writing. Start by exploring your inner landscape and let yourself pour out your thoughts and feelings onto the page. You might be surprised how this changes things. When we pause to reflect before acting and talking, we are living a life with intention.

Meditate. This is my favorite self-care activity and a daily routine. The following meditation is my gift for you. Take a few moments right now to have a listen.

We can cultivate the gifts of compassion and love. Coming back to this moment we can remind ourselves that we are love and in turn we offer love to others.


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author: Renee Fesser

Image: Alexey Demidov/Pexels

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