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December 20, 2022

People on the Path

Photo by Achim Bongard on Pexels.

When it appears that the world outside is losing its mind, I say, let it; perhaps some mind-less living is what is needed…maybe what we ‘need’ is something that cannot be solved within the thinking mind…maybe what our world requires is some ‘thing’ more akin to feeling; maybe what we need is Love – A Love that is rooted in the sacred, often unexplainable connection to each other; a sort of Love where we can turn to a stranger (aka we just don’t know we friends yet) and say ‘I Love you, I see you, I hear you, I understand you, I know you because I am you;’ a sort of Love that honors the sentiment, ‘Love thy neighbor as thy self.’

And often times we live in a world where we don’t do just that…’Love thy Self’. And it is when we experience lack of self-love, times of doubt, and isolation, where the ‘other,’ the mirror, is vital, and in fact, crucial for survival…it is in the experience of a friendly face, a reassuring smile, a hug from a ‘stranger’ when we can truly feel our Self because, let’s face it, we are connected. We are One. Together, we not only survive, we thrive.

You are exactly where you need to be.

Trust in the unfolding of your Life. Even in times of doubt and unrest, all is necessary; all has it’s place and purpose, and it the proper ”time,’ understanding with be revealed and peace will prevail.

Beyond the confines of the mind and body lies your perfect Self, the wholeness of your Spirit. This is what creates form in the physical body. Any perception outside of perfection is a glorious teacher, directing us to forgive and Love, and remember – remember Who You Are – perfect Love and perfect Light, which is All.

All roads lead Home, and your path is your Own.

See you on the Path, dear friends.

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