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February 6, 2023

The February Energy Forecast

The first words that came to me when I touched into this month’s energy were All aglow. I felt a lightness and brightness, like all the worries of the world were lifted.

And that’s a welcome change from the energy we’ve been experiencing over the past few years!

This month, we can expect a lightheartedness. And it should be easier to be happy, relaxed, playful, and loving. It’s as if someone’s opened the door to the cage and suddenly, we’re flying free.

Our hearts are especially chatty this month. If you listen, you may hear your heart tell you what it’s longing for? Hoping for? Wishing for? Listen to what your heart has to say. And it’s not enough to just to keep it in your head. Write it down. Create a vision board. Put words and images in front of you to remind yourself and make it real.

Some of us may be feeling a bit lost this month. We’ve been wandering in the unknown for a while now and it’s not that easy to step back into a new and different world. But we want things to be new and different. Not the same old, same old unsustainable world. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Anything’s possible. You just have to believe.

This month is also a great time for personal restoration. The energy is there to focus on restoring what we let go of over the last while. So, if it’s health, weight, appearance, money, love, whatever, now’s the time to start putting yourself back together but in a new and evolved way.

If you feel like you’ve been under a lot of pressure, now’s the time to break the cycle. Stop the worry. Ignite the joy. We create what we focus on. So get that vision board going so you can focus on the next wonderful thing!

Have a brilliant month!

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