March 1, 2023

Waylon’s 3 Mindful Tips: Sidewalk & Road Salt, Fruit Labels, & Mom’s tip about Mail.


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis features:

This week Waylon’s tips are inspired by his Mama and his visit with her in Halifax:

  1. Some municipalities, like Boulder and Halifax, use a lottttt of salt each winter for safety reasons. I get it. But less salt would be great. There are more eco alternatives, like sand. Salt hurts pets, like dogs, and it kills or hurts trees and gardens. It’s awful for cars and destroys bikes.
  2. Labels on fruit. This may seem like a minor irritation but labels on fruit are mostly plastic…on an otherwise compostable, fruit skin. My advice? Try to go to farmer’s markets and get fruit without the labels.
  3. Mama Lewis cuts up her junk mail into cute little scraps of notepaper to use for notes, art, letters—whatever you can think of. You can save that paper and use it one more time before recycling it, and save $$$ on notepads etc.
  4. Bonus: Don’t walk around holding puppies. Obviously we pick ’em up sometimes, fine—we don’t have to be uptight. But often people love to walk around carrying their cute little puppies. The puppy is not your baby. Puppies need to smell things. They need to be a little scared, and get through that, when they encounter other dogs. They need socialization, they need exercise—not just to be held.

“I try to pick specific things for these three mindful tips and make them helpful, make them surprising. Sometimes they might be irritating, not fun. Sometimes they might be fun and not at all irritating. I’m trying to make ’em actually helpful.” ~ Waylon Lewis 


Or, listen to the podcast:


Waylon Lewis is back with his award-winning video series and podcast.

He’ll be going live each Friday and starting out with three mindful tips each week, big & small.

“Hey friends, every Friday I share three specific, useful, fun, interesting—at least to me—mindful tips. They’re probably kind of nerdy, but they’re applicable to our daily lives from a mindful point of view, an eco point of view, and from a point of view of caring about society.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Want to ask a question, or submit a mindful tip? We’ll include it if it’s good: comment here, or on YouTube, or DM @waylonlewis on Insta.


Big news about my podcast, new YouTube channel.

Our podcast and video series are trying to start up again, with Molly’s help! Help support them by viewing, listening, sharing—we’ve received many requests over the last years for mindful tips and conversations and the podcast to return. Boom! I’m once again doing a convo/video/podcast once a week. Hope you give it a listen.

I’m leaving behind Elephant’s 35,000 subscribers (Google never let us monetize) and many millions of views—and I hope you’ll subscribe to my new channel here: I’ll upload at least one video a week about everyday mindfulness and eco and meditation and relationships and food and equality and politics from a non-hateful perspective, and all that good stuff.

⁠So, anyways, starting a new account. Subscribe! Support! Share! All the things. May it be of benefit! Be one of my first and comment if you do so.


For more mindful chats, go to elephantjournal.com/talkshow and follow us on Instagram at @walkthetalkshow.

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Image: @waylonlewis/Instagram

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