April 21, 2023

How to deal with getting criticized unfairly. ~ Waylon Lewis {Video, Podcast}


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Mindful Mondays, with Waylon Lewis.

When drama happens, the first thing most of us do is to try to get away from that discomfort. We defend ourselves, or attack, or…retreat, to feel safe in our cocoons. When really, all we have to do is reply, be straightforward…and then rest with that icky yucky feeling, and breathe into and through it.

As @eacourts posted, “breathwork is free drugs.”

Dare to feel, instead of merely reacting, and creating more drama.

Enjoy a clip of Waylon’s Mindful Monday video this week:

“I wanted to remind us that it is okay to explain yourself. It is okay to provide context, but we can’t convince the whole world of our innocence or our good intentions. People don’t care. People are very casually aggressive, sometimes, including ourselves when we’re speedy.

Speediness is really at the root of a lot of aggression.” ~ Waylon Lewis

Read the article he references inside the video, here: “Barbara Walters being a terrible human being for almost 15 minutes.”

Or listen to the podcast: 

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