April 30, 2023

Moving Sucks—or Does it? How Relocating to a Different City Changed my Perspective for Good.

I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada, a city I’ve loved so completely; I never thought I’d leave it.

Over a year ago, three tumultuous events took place that altered my entire existence forever: sadly, I lost my Dad to cancer, I got divorced after 11 years of marriage, and I lost my job.

F*cking crazy, right? Want to know how I made it through to the other side?

It took everything I had to pull myself out of the mire. I’m not going to lie, I used marijuana and alcohol for a while to get me through, but to no avail. I was causing myself so much harm and fooled myself into thinking that these vices were actually helping me to calm down and cope with my difficulties.

So, I made the decision to sober up.

I began to feel my feelings, honor them, and deal with the myriad of mood swings I experienced on a daily basis. And while I haven’t fully healed, I’m definitely further ahead than I was over a year ago.

I prayed a lot. I got down on my knees, cried incessantly, and begged my higher power to get me out of the dark. And after all the suffering I endured, something miraculous happened.

I was blessed to meet a fellow who saw the real me under all my heavy layers of sadness.

Meeting him for the first time was like turning on a big, bright neon sign that had been laying dormant for decades. Never have I felt so loved, appreciated, admired, and respected. It was as if I’d been moving through life on cruise control, and then suddenly, I was transformed into this stunning, wholesome reality.

I started to slow down a little. My mind stopped whirring, and bit by bit my body began to relax.

In March of this year, I sold my house and began the daunting search for an abode that I could reside in as a single woman. It was an overwhelming task, but something inside me wasn’t actually prepared to take on this new phase of my life by myself.

All the signs pointed to this amazing fellow who I met, so I followed my intuition with enthusiasm.

After a brief courtship, he asked me to consider relocating to where he currently resides, a two-hour commute from my beloved city of Toronto, and to give it a year to see how we’d fare as a couple. I was scared to take the leap and give up everything I’d ever known in my hometown. But I’m 50 years old now and I wasn’t getting any younger.

So, I went for it, and frankly, I’ve never been more content in my entire life.

I don’t know a single soul who enjoys the prospect of moving. It’s an all-encompassing, stressful, and taxing experience. But moving from one city to another and leaving behind everything and everyone you’ve ever known, that’s an entirely different kettle of fish.

Moving sucks. Or, does it?  

One positive spin I’ve put on moving is that it’s a chance to wipe the slate clean and truly start over. I’ve made the conscious choice to keep my thoughts clear of negativity and the possibility of what could go wrong. Why add more of a burden to my body, mind, and soul when I’ve already got a full plate?

It’s a tremendous task to shift your world, change your outlook, and believe that you’ll be okay no matter the circumstance. But, it can be done.

Meeting the man of my dreams certainly gave me the faith and promise I needed to venture into this new phase of my life. For that, I’m so grateful. He was the catalyst that made me realize I’m more than capable, intelligent, and savvy to enter this brave, new world.

So, my readers:

Have you experienced a major shift in your life recently?

Have you ever packed up all your belongings and moved to an entirely different city/country?

How did you fare?

Did you make it through?

Did you initially doubt your ability to adapt to a new life, new surroundings, new faces, or new experiences?

Then, kudos to you!

Moving isn’t easy. But, with a clear head and heart, anything is possible. You must believe in yourself. Just try. Because after all, this too shall pass.

Sending you love, light, and peace—today, tomorrow, and always. Move forward with confidence and fortitude and watch your world change—for the better.


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Image: cottonbro studio/Pexels

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