4.4 Editor's Pick
April 7, 2023

Waylon Lewis with Zen teacher Koshin Paley Ellison, author of “Untangled: Walking the Eightfold Path to Clarity, Courage, and Compassion.”


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

In our latest, greatest Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis…Waylon talks with  Zen Buddhist teacher Koshin Paley Ellison about Buddhism’s eightfold path—what is it, and how does it apply to our everyday life?

Koshin, author of Untangled; Walking the Eightfold Path to Clarity, Courage, and Compassion. is the co-founder of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care.

“What’s so beautiful is that inside of the eightfold path, it’s not linear. Some of us want to jump from one to the next, but we also honor where we get caught and where we struggle. Our struggles don’t ever really end, but our relationship to them changes because of how we focus on them through the aspects of the eightfold path.” ~ Koshin Paley Ellison

Enjoy a clip of their conversation:

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“Perspective is what keeps us from belonging to friends, to people that we care about. It’s what keeps us from feeling like we belong in the world.” ~ Koshin Paley Ellison

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Find out more about Koshin Paley Ellison here and check out his book, Untangled; Walking the Eightfold Path to Clarity, Courage, and Compassion.

The book has been described as: “a gentle, accessible guide for walking Buddhism’s eightfold path by untangling unseen knots that we all carry: loneliness, disconnection and unhappiness; and equips readers with the tools needed  to untangle our tangles and make profound change.”


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