May 27, 2023

“We Are The World”—a Timeless Song We Need Right Now.

There are so many terrible things happening in the world right now.

Wars, poverty, violence, racism, discrimination, massive inequality, corruption, a global hunger crisis.

I mean…the list could go on and on and on.

And if we really sit with it, it can feel so big, so heavy. And it’s all real and true and happening.

And then…

There is also good.

And we can remember the good, that despite it all, there is good, a lot of good.

There is so much good in this world. 

This song can remind us of our shared humanity.

I watched this video a couple of times last night and it made me cry. It’s just so beautiful and moving.

I hope it touches your heart and lifts you up too.



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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Youtube

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