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June 10, 2023

You’re a Warrior On a Mission!

Forget dragons and monsters. The fiercest of all opponents actually reside in your very own head. The negative self-talk or as I lovingly call it: “The Sh*tty Committee”, is the ongoing chatter fueled by self-doubt, fear, and comparison that poses the greatest threat to your own growth. Kind of crazy right, but not really surprising since on average we have 60, 000-70,000 thoughts each day, most of which are negative.

Left unchecked, these nasty characters will run the show and keep you right where you are: safe in your comfort zone. While this is helpful for keeping you alive, this hard wired survival mechanism isn’t exactly designed to help you make the big leaps forwards towards your dreams.

Because you know as well as I do, your comfort zoom definitely not where your dreams are!

So what’s a Warrior on a mission with big dreams to do? Have no fear, brave one.

Hidden within the Yoga practice are three keys to help you Wake the Warrior Within™ and unlock higher levels of creativity and possibility in all areas of your life:

  1. Keep Your Attention on Your Intention: Dive deep into your big vision so you know exactly who and how you get to be to make it a reality. This version of you will be your guide, giving your insights on the qualities you need to cultivate. Make it your intention to embody them and express them each day through your Yoga practice and in your life. Let this Warrior shine through everything you do.
  2. Stay Aware of Your Alignment: Are you using your mind like the powerful tool it is? Or does the smack talking crew in your skull have the mic and feed you all sorts of nonsense? Practice awareness of your emotional state and inner dialogue on and off the mat to fast track your success.
  3. Activate the Architecture: Remember, the true depth of the Yoga practice is who you become because of it. Fully energize, embody, and express the qualities of the Warrior that the poses teach you and watch them flow into every part of your life. This way Yoga becomes a life changing toolset that accompanies you wherever you go!

Within you lies the potential for incredible growth and impact when you learn to think on purpose and use your mind like the powerful tool that it is. Thankfully Yoga gives you many tools to help you to do that, that simultaneously help you evolve into the version of you that you need to be to accomplish your soul’s mission.

So use them to deepen your self awareness, sharpen your mental swords, and go charging forward bravely on your Warrior’s journey.

The Shitty Committee doesn’t stand a chance against the might of a Warrior who knows their own worth. It’s time for you to rewrite the script and unleash the power and potential within you.

Onward radiant Warrior, your destiny awaits!

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