July 14, 2023

A Spa Treatment for Enriching our Soil.


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Edaphology is the science or study of the soil, especially with respect to plant growth.

The root of the word ‘édaphos,’ is Greek for foundation, soil, ground, or land.

Edaphic Solutions is a blooming business in Boulder, Colorado, and is bubbling with nature-based solutions for people who love their yard and gardens.

There becomes no need to buy inorganic fertilizers at the store when you have freshly brewed compost tea for your entire landscape. Compost tea is swirling with beneficial fungi, bacteria, and many other microorganisms that are vital in nourishing the soil.

Our bodies are bursting with these same soil microorganisms. They keep us alive and well. When we inoculate the land with compost tea, the plants and people rejoice. A true review of the magical brew that you can experience, too!

Many weeds have medicinal properties and have evolved with the soil for a long time. These plants are also great indicators of what is going on below the surface. Balancing the soil, outcompeting with other plants, or steam weeding are all methods to uproot unwanted plants in your garden.

Edaphic Solutions now provides steam weeding to control those weeds from growing in places you don’t want them to be seen. With the power of searing-hot steam, the plant cell walls ruptured and the remains of the weeds continue to feed the soil microbiome. No Round Up needed.

Edaphic Solutions is a spa treatment for gardens and green spaces. The solutions delivered by the power of enriched water are the “earthbound” way to care for plants and soil without the use of harmful chemicals. Yard and garden care should be enjoyable and aligned with our well-being.

Lush landscapes and gardens are examples and affirmations of how we so beautifully work with nature. Ultimately, when living and working in harmony with nature, we affirm anything is possible and are reminded to be kind and loving to ourselves and fellow beings.

The soil is the black gold; the plants are the green teachers.

May we keep our hands and heart in the soil!


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