July 10, 2023

How I Embraced the Mind-Body Connection.


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*Editor’s Note: Elephant is not your doctor or hospital. Our lawyers would say “this web site is not designed to, and should not be construed to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. Always consult a health professional before trying out new home therapies or changing your diet.” But we can’t afford lawyers, and you knew all that. ~ Ed.


Health challenges have been constant companions throughout my life’s journey.

I got accustomed to dealing with frequent episodes of dizziness and digestive issues, but it didn’t stop there.

My struggles with Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) escalated to the point where I questioned whether medication was the solution or if giving up on life was my only option. However, over the past few years, I made a conscious decision to place my mental well-being at the forefront and gain a deeper understanding of how my emotions impact my physical health.

As I embarked on this path, certain indicators emerged, revealing the undeniable connection between my emotional state and physical well-being.

Here are some common signs I have noticed along this transformative journey:

>> Whenever anxiety gripped me, it would manifest as either dizziness or an upset stomach, serving as a clear signal of the intricate link between mind and body.

>> There were moments when an overwhelming sense of sleepiness and fatigue would wash over me, leaving me drained and depleted. I observed this particularly during periods of intense sadness.

>> Engaging in any form of exercise or physical activity became a daunting task, as it would drain me excessively and sometimes even lead to illness. I recognized this pattern when my mind was burdened with intrusive thoughts during workouts.

>> Digestion became burdensome, as if my body struggled to cope with food intake. This was especially evident, when my mind was overwhelmed by negative and intrusive thoughts.

>> To complicate matters further, skin issues such as acne and hives made their presence known, further underscoring the undeniable relationship between emotional well-being and physical symptoms. Stress, in particular, seemed to play a significant role in these skin problems.

During this challenging period, I came to realize the importance of addressing my physical health. Although my mind wasn’t always fully committed to the process, I understood that neglecting my physical well-being while battling emotional turmoil would only hinder my progress. Undoubtedly, prioritizing self-care during times of emotional struggle is a daunting task, but it remains an essential part of the healing journey.

During my most trying times, I implemented several strategies to navigate the difficulties. Here are the key focal points that guided me:

Adopting a Nourishing Dietary Approach

To embrace a healthier eating pattern, I enrolled in a nutrition program. This decision proved invaluable as having someone monitor and guide me along the way made a significant difference. Despite the challenges posed by mood swings, I remained committed to focusing on my daily meals. I became more mindful of the food choices I made and their impact on my digestion and skin health. Through this awareness, I could identify problematic foods and consciously incorporate nourishing options into my diet. As I started consuming nutritious food and shedding excess weight, I noticed a positive shift in my mood as well.

Establishing a Regular Exercise Regimen

I prioritized activities that aligned with my mental and physical energy levels. Instead of pushing myself to extremes, I found joy and consistency in activities like Badminton and Zumba. This allowed me to maintain an active lifestyle without overwhelming my mind.

Achieving Mental Stillness During Physical Activity

During workouts, I challenged myself to silence my thoughts, even though it proved to be a difficult task. Nevertheless, I have experienced some success in quieting my mind and immersing myself fully in the physical activity.

Implementing a Structured Routine

Regardless of my emotional state, I adhered to a schedule. I ensured that I ate meals at consistent times and maintained a regular sleep routine. This commitment to a structured routine enabled me to prioritize self-care without compromise.

By incorporating these practices into my life, I took small but significant steps toward improving my overall well-being, both mentally and physically.

It’s important to recognize that physical and mental health are intricately intertwined and influence each other in complex ways. For instance, chronic physical health conditions or illnesses can lead to mental health challenges such as depression or anxiety. Similarly, mental health conditions can affect physical health by contributing to issues like insomnia or fatigue.

To achieve overall well-being, it is crucial to prioritize and care for both physical and mental health. Taking a holistic approach to health and seeking professional guidance when needed can help maintain a balance between the two.


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author: Rupa Rajagopalan

Image: miraalou/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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