July 10, 2023

I Dropped Acid in the 60s—& I Liked It.


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Well…until the last time.

I have no recollection of how many trips I took, but the creative process that emerged in my writing and artwork was high. I felt free, creative, and in the flow.

Until that last trip.

My boyfriend and I were in the park with friends, laughing and chilling. A few in the crowd were not usually there and definitely not our regular crew. The vibes, to me, were strong—but off.

When they all suggested we hop in the dark colored, dirty muscle car, I had no desire to do so. I felt pressured to join in and yet I got in the crowded car.

Note, this was a time of no seat belts, or not using them, and no limits to how many bodies could be stuffed in a tin can of metal.

Then, the acid started getting passed out and I said no. But no was not an option in the late 60s, especially from females. So I was force-fed a pill and drew myself into a little ball of fear-filled mush on the floor of the packed back seat.

The hallucinations were scary, dark, and deep. The night seemed to last a lifetime. I do not know how long we were out, or how I got home. But I knew I was done with tripping.

Why am I writing about this now?

I have been elated to read about the research going on the past several years regarding using psychedelics for healing. And the varieties of substances, old and new, being explored and some becoming legal.

Back to the beginning…

When I first tripped, the world was a multi-colored carousel, sometimes a roller coaster with thrilling plunges and exhilarating ups. Other times, it was a peaceful, loving place of flowers, tall lush grass, and blue skies with clouds that brought images of animals playing freely.

Artwork and writing were easy since the shapes, colors, and words were visible and I only needed to trace the patterns emerging or jot the words that were scrawled across pages of lined or blank paper.

Our current reality is a 24/7 crowded one with too many people rushing about angry, tired, depressed, lonely, stressed to the max—and we need help. If psychedelic use, in controlled settings, can alter the reality and give folks a chance to make the changes to create a better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual life—then I say on with the research.

In the meantime, there are non-drug-related methods to make incremental changes that can do the same. Living in tune with nature and eating nutritious, in-season foods, to start. Also, taking time to listen to our breath, focus on our inner mind, and meditate, move oour body, and practice good sleep routines. These are how we get back to our true selves.

Have you ever levitated when you meditated? It’s been a long time and I am eager to again.


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author: Janice Dolk

Image: @elephantjournal/Instagram

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