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July 17, 2023

“It’s not you, it’s ME!”

Our lives were never meant to be all roses and daisies, but one thing for sure we are all here for life’s lessons and most importantly to remember who we truly are. We all go through similar scenarios along our journey. We need to learn to except all pain and suffering that we all can come across because it is with these events in which we can expand from.
We all have been in situations when we like to try and find other people to blame for certain events along our path, but we need to understand one thing that, “it’s not you, it’s ME!” Excepting that we are in control of our own actions and decisions our entire life and we need to experience things for ourselves to learn and remember who we are and why we have come here. Life should be simple only we like to complicate things.
Look at what you have and where you are at today, be happy with what it is no matter what! We are always thrown so many things along our paths to teach us or to try and wake us up about what we are doing in our own lives. Everything does happen for many reasons but if you take a closer look at your own life and your own behaviour what we get out of our lives is basically what we put out into the world and towards other people. The most important thing we all need to remember is to have self-love towards ourselves. If you can have love towards yourself then you can certainly reflect love towards others.
Take a moment to reflect on your life, become aware of how you behave, and remember one thing, the most important thing for you to understand in your life is you only. When you can understand yourself then you will understand life.
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