September 13, 2023

20 Beautiful Things to Love about Fall.

It’s starting to feel like Fall where I am.

The mornings have gotten cooler, and even when it warms up later in the day, there’s that undercurrent of cool air that happens this time of year.

I love Fall. I love the way the leaves shift colors, and I love how beautiful nature looks this time of year. I love sweaters and crisp apples and the invigorating cool air and feeling warm and cozy inside when it’s chillier outside.

There’s a distinct freshness, aliveness, to Fall that I love.

Hot tea and coffee feel just a little bit better when it’s cool outside too.

I love summer; I’m not wishing it away. I’ll enjoy less-layered walks and runs as long as I can. I’ll sit outside and enjoy doing it without having to get all bundled up. But I can’t help but feel a bounce of joy, a lightness in my heart, for Fall.

Yesterday, I asked this question on one of our social media pages:

“What are some of your favorite things about Fall?”

Here are 20 things to love about Fall, from Elephant readers:

1. “Football, weather, the air, fires, the colors, Halloween, candy corn, pumpkin patches, plaid flannels.” ~ Your Wide Awakening

2. “Cooler temperatures and low humidity, for sure. NY summers are brutal!” ~ Lee

3. “It’s depth.” ~ Urmi

4. “The colour around me.” ~ Theja

5. “The cooler air. Walking in the evening. Bonfire season.” ~ Jen

6. “Everything. Best season.” ~ Shannon

7. “Cool weather, crisp sunny mornings, end of growing season and the beginning of dormancy. Soups and hot drinks.” ~ Brenda

8. “The Pumpkin Patch at First Congregational Church in Auburn.” ~ Diane

9. “Changing of the leaves.” ~ Rhonda

10. “Weather. Football. Food.” ~ Ron

11. “The crispness in the air. I feel the most energized in the Fall. The vast array of colourful leaves.” ~ Tracey

12. “Pumpkin bars.” ~ Tina

13. “Crisp, crunchy leaves and cooler weather. Ahhh, delightful!” ~ Lucas

14. “Extra hour of sleep.” ~ Steven

15. “Witnessing the ease of letting go.” ~ Thomas

16. “The smell of fields, no humidity, crisp.” ~ Luan

17. “The smell of the woods while hiking. The drying leaves, the cool air, the last of the birds chirping, the sounds.” ~ Laurie

18. “Better camping!” ~ Roni

19. “Not hot, not cool, briskness in the air, beautiful shades of leaves, my favorite time of the year.” ~ Porchia

20. “It’s sweatah weatha.” ~ Debbi


What do you love about Fall?



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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

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