October 9, 2023

Everything that happens in our lives is available to teach us if we only regard it openly. ~ Waylon Lewis


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Mindful Mondays, with Waylon Lewis.

“Every Monday, I offer a mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis 

A story.

I just had a kind of intense experience and thought I would, as I am wont to do, being Buddhist, use that as grist for the mill. Everything that happens in our lives is teaching us, or available to teach us, if we only regard it openly and with some curiosity, some sense of accountability, but also some sense of clarity.

We don’t have to create drama; we don’t have to be mean to people, even if we disagree.

At this point, being rude to each other is kind of common.

I think we can all give each other a chance and treat each other like fellow human beings. The basic Buddhist lesson is if someone’s rude to you, try to have some empathy for where they’re coming from, but also stay grounded in your kindness. Don’t give the rudeness back. We don’t need to suffer fools gladly—but we can offer others the respect and kindness they deserve as a human being—if only once.

Watch Waylon’s Mindful Monday video this week:

Or listen as a podcast:

Want more? Of course you do! Check out all of Waylon’s full Mindful Monday video series inside our grassroots, ethical home for Walk the Talk Show

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