October 10, 2023

Take a Trip With Me.

Will you take a trip with me

to the depths of my soul

to the dark and lightless floor

of my sadness.

Can you hold space for me

to sob uncontrollably

with snot running down my nose

and tears streaming

like a river undammed

no beginning or end.

Will you hold me

and ask me what it feels like

to want to die every day

while trying to love myself

when the feeling of hopelessness

outweighs all else

and I can’t “look at the brightside”

because my headed is clouded

by all the wrongs.

And the only way out

is to be held

be listened to

be allowed the space

to express myself

and shine a light

on what my darkness looks like

So your acceptance

can lift me like an anchor

from the ocean floor

and carry me up

to break the surface

and fill my lungs

with love and the embrace

of allowing myself

to be vulnerable

in your presence.


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Autumn Leigh Raasch  |  Contribution: 1,350

author: Autumn Leigh Raasch

Image: Letticia Massari/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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