November 14, 2023

Yes to this Millennials vs. Gen Z manifesto.

“Can I share this to my Myspace?”

“Millennials walked on Instagram so Gen Z could run on TikTok.”

Iliza Shlesinger of Elder Millennial lets loose:


Millennials walked on Instagram so Gen Z could run on TikTok
byu/PhotoshopKid infunny

“Younger millennial here (29). Used to vibe with Gen Z till they started calling me old. Rude as hell.”
“A 25 year-old tried to explain what a meme was to me (39yo) yesterday and I was like “bitch, my generation invented memes”
“So true about the 90s. My nephews making fun of my fashion choices while they wear the clothes I wore in highschool lol.”

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