December 2, 2023

14 Tips from Stephen King that apply to Life (& Writing).

I’m not a big reader of Stephen King’s books, I’ll admit.

But I am a huge admirer of him as a human, as a writer, and as a mentor. His advice on writing? Top knotch. Inspiring. Go-to.

I could keep going.

And it occured to me recently when I stumbled over some of his advice compiled together, that his writing advice isn’t just (always) advice for the writer. It can, often, be applied to simply living.

Writers are, after all, the people we trust to tell the stories. They are the storytellers. We place our faith in them when they write, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction, to bring stories to life and allow them to take their place in our history.

But, our lives are our story and we’re responsible for telling it. Each day we’re writing the stories of our lives like a choose your own adventure book, and these little tidbits of wisdom from this great in the world of fiction? They can be applied to our reality as well. Especially this last one:

14 tips from stephen king's on writing


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