Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:
“Every Monday, I offer a mindful reminder for our everyday life.” ~ Waylon Lewis
This Mindful Monday, Waylon discusses “Children’s Day” in the Buddhist tradition and the Winter Solstice—bout what they mean in our lives and how we can integrate them into our present traditions.
“With all the suffering, the aggression, the fear in the world right now—whether it’s in the Ukraine, Gaza, Israel…as well as a lot of the partisanship that we’re seeing in the US where we often can’t even discuss things peacefully or respectfully—I think it’s important to come back to peace.
And peace isn’t some anodyne, saccharine notion. It’s not a facile thing. It’s something we have to work for and care for and nurture.
And Winter Solstice is emblematic or symbolic of that. It’s the darkest time of the year.” ~ Waylon Lewis
Children’s Day is a day of delight and humor and respect and putting children on a pedestal with the reminder that they’re the future inheritors of this world—this world that the adults in the room are baking and destroying and drowning. Children’s Day is a way for us to remind ourselves to be kind and to be caring and to be humorful.
Children have a way of reminding us to lighten up, to be sincere, to care.
The freshness and idealism of youth can shame us in a positive way, reminding us to care, to invest in peace, to be kind to this planet for their sake, if not for the planet’s sake, or our own sake. And to delight in this life.
Listen to the full Mindful Monday Video this week:
“Children’s Day is about honoring and respecting our children and their role in society—their intelligence. It’s investing in children as little princes and princesses and future rulers of this world.” ~ Waylon Lewis
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