December 4, 2023

Gerry who? 10 Reasons why the Women of “The Golden Bachelor” made it Worth Watching.

For those who follow me, you know that I most often write about childhood trauma.

With that said, I do have a few guilty pleasures that I like to talk about too. And watching this past season of “The Golden Bachelor” was one of them.

I’d grab a beer and a big bowl of buttered popcorn and sit down to revel in the story line of the show. I adored watching these 22 fabulous women strut their stuff, be unapologetic about their age, and be playful and open.

For me, Gerry seemed like just an excuse for these women to bring it—it being their most shiny, authentic selves.

Here are 10 reasons why the women of “The Golden Bachelor” made the show worth watching:

They were all hopeful about finding true love. Yes, some had been married one, two, even three times, and yet they were still full of hope. Life went on and they hadn’t given up. Despite the pain of a nasty divorce or the passing of a spouse, these women were all in.

They were playful. We learned that age isn’t a death sentence when looking at these women. They jumped in the pool, played drinking games, and laughed, a lot. They were as fun and funny as women half their age and maybe even more so.

They supported each other. Other than a minor snafu between Kathy and Teresa, the women were all supportive of each other. No backstabbing or lying or bitchiness—they all just brought their best selves and showed appreciation for each other.

They had full lives and other priorities besides just getting a guy. They were there for their kids, their friends, and kept those priorities front and center during the show.

They were creative and sassy. There were no apologies about who they were, or how they introduced themselves to Gerry, or what they did on their dates and with each other.

They were authentic and unapologetic. Each woman articulated what she was looking for, what was important to her, and a few even told Gerry that they weren’t sure if it would work. Refreshing for sure.

They all had different interests. Some were into pickle ball and competitive as hell. Others were hilarious and seductive with their charm. And others were more quiet and withheld their energy until the right moment. They were all different and that was wonderful to see.

They all had a great time with each other. They cooked, drank, laughed, and enjoyed being with each other. At some points in the show, I thought “Gerry who?”

They took disappointment and rejection in stride. There were not many tears in general, and that was good to see. They kept their center through it all—except for Leslie at the very end, after Gerry set her up and knocked her down. So her tears and anger were appropriate in my humble opinion. I probably would have ripped him a new one.

They were all so charming, fun, and interesting that Gerry could not hold a candle to them. The women in this show were by far, the most interesting part and made it worth watching.


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