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December 18, 2023

People Don’t Let Us Down; Our Expectations Do. | Reflections Around Entitlement

People don’t let us down; our expectations do.

Something I continue to learn, to understand more deeply, and unravel.

Throughout the past few years, I’ve been deeply reflecting (and rejecting) entitlement.

Entitlement triggered me, so anytime I witnessed someone embodying the energy of it, I felt activated.. heat… frustration…. impatience….

And when something triggers you, it’s only because it is within you…


I thought I moved passed this, fully; until recently, I was presented with it again.

I found myself in “expectation of” and it frustrated me.. so with the beautiful awareness using THE ARMS METHOD™ (represent!✊) and taking A Moment In Silence (represent x2!✊✊), I went into a deep, honest reflection…

This is how it works:

I take a breath..

I soften..

I drop my shoulders..

I cry..

I welcome in my Guides.. my Angels..

And I ask God to reveal to me any blindspots as I connect with my breath.. surrendering as much as I can in the moment.

Some Reflections & Awareness
For Entitlement
It’s important to be a witness to what arrives especially during deep self-reflection– and not take it personally. It’s not personal– it’s a beautiful awareness that you (now) get to see and do something different with.

  1. Your Life Experiences:
    • Reflect on your childhood and early experiences. What memories or experiences come up and through where you have felt neglected, not important, or struggled/fought for validationThis is where your work is.
  2. Expectations:
    • Gently witness— to then identify any area(s) in your life where you have high or “unrealistic” expectations of others, of outcomes, etc. Ask yourself (with deep love), what makes you feel entitled to certain privileges or exceptions. This is where your work is.
  3. Interpersonal Relationships & Connections:
    • Reflect on your connections and interactions with friends, family, and community/co-workers. Notice if there are any recurring themes.. or patterns… behaviors/responses where you expect others to prioritize your needs over theirsThis is where your work is.
  4. Response to Challenges:
    • How do you react when you’re presented with challenges or situations that don’t go as planned? Do you find yourself feeling frustrated or resentful (towards yourself or others) when things don’t align with the expectations you have? In my opinion (which doesn’t mean I’m right), people don’t let us down– our expectations doThis is where your work is.
  5. Comparison:
    • Gently (and kindly) notice where you compare yourself to others. Are there feelings of superiority, self-righteousness or entitlement ? based on perceived achievements or status? This is where your work is.

      Let’s take a breath, now that we’re mid-way… 
      I see you. I understand you. I am you… there is nothing wrong with you. We’re human. You’re learning. I’m learning. This is all part of the human experience.. It’s all a beautiful Awareness.
  6. Feedback and Criticism:
    • How do you handle feedback, or any type of “criticism”. Do you struggle to accept constructive insight or communicated blindspots without feeling defensive or attacked? Maybe you have a parent that expects you to be perfect?– and get it right all of the time… or that nothing is ever good enough… This isn’t to blame mom or dad– this is where your work is.
  7. Gratitude Practice:
    • Drop into a daily heart-opening practice.. deeply feeling into how blessed you are.. staying in the embodiment of l o v e …
    • How often do you, intentionally, acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of others, or is there a tendency.. automatic response.. to take things for grantedThis is where your work is.
  8. Empathy:
    • Reflect on recent situations where you interacted with others. Were you able to see them… to understand them.. hear them.. to empathize with their perspectives and needs?
  9. Boundaries:
    • Boundaries….. this goes so deep and far… yet, so beautiful once anchored down.
      notice your respect and consciousness around boundaries: both yours and others’.
    • Do you find it challenging to accept limits, or do you sometimes overstep the boundaries of others? Where are you “pulling” energy from others, or other’s “pulling” from you? How accessible are you? And vice versa. All reflections– beautiful reflections and expressions of entitlementThis is where your work is.
  10. Heartwork :
    • This brings you back home to your heart. ♥️
      * Bring to your awareness and gently reflect on the last time that you took part in an act of kindness.. generosity.. love.. without expecting anything in return. It wasn’t transactional. There were no expectations. It was full heart-work. How did you feel? What can you do today to bring you back to your heart? To the boundless love within it?

Trusting this supports you and your journey back to your (beautiful) heart.

With THE ARMS METHOD™, Awareness is the key.. the first step to any type of change. Gently witnessing and being honest within the hidden space(s) between.

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