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January 4, 2024

Embracing the Wisdom of Nature: Lessons in Letting Go

Throughout our lives, we experience cycles of growth that require us to let go of certain things and create space for new experiences. The person you are today is a result of going through these cycles multiple times, and you will continue to do so for the rest of your life.

Regardless of how many times you’ve gone through it, the process of letting go is always daunting. It takes an immense amount of courage to choose to walk away from something and embrace growth, even if it’s something you no longer need or want. You can simultaneously be ready for change and fearful of the loss it entails.

Wherever you find yourself in this process, here are three powerful lessons from nature to guide you:

1️⃣ You must let go before you can grow.

In the animal kingdom, there’s a natural process known as ecdysis, where insects and reptiles shed their exoskeleton or old skin to make way for new growth. Similarly, as humans, we shed parts of ourselves internally as we grow. Each of us follows a unique timeline for shedding and expanding aspects of ourselves or phases of our lives to grow something new. Resisting this process directly hinders our personal growth.

Transitioning from one phase of life to another can be uncomfortable and stressful. Letting go completely is difficult, and you may find yourself shedding some parts while holding onto others. However, shedding is necessary for growth. You can carry lessons from the past and gratitude for what was, but ultimately, you must let go of the old “skin” – be it people, jobs, identities, or beliefs – that no longer serve you before anything new can take its place.

2️⃣ Growth often follows devastation.

Certain tree species carry seeds in their canopy that are only released during wildfires. The heat from the fire triggers the resin sealing the cones, allowing the seeds to be released onto the burnt but fertile soil. These seeds exist to bring new life to a recently devastated area.

Similarly, in your own life, you’ll encounter personal wildfires that arise unexpectedly. Life deals everyone unexpected hardships, and you may find yourself facing moments where everything seems to go wrong. It’s in these moments that it appears nearly impossible to see growth on the other side.

Yet, nature is wise, and it operates with a purpose we don’t always comprehend. Every event is part of a bigger picture. Within you, there are seeds intentionally designed to be released when wildfire sweeps through. Even if you can’t see it happening in the moment, these seeds burst open, finding fertile ground within the ashes covering the surface of your life. Amidst destruction and loss, these seeds experience sunlight for the first time, absorbing the nutrients from the ashes and embarking on a new life.

3️⃣ Discomfort doesn’t mean you’re not growing.

The growth process often begins with a seed, just like the ones released during wildfires. Over time, this seed grows into something more substantial, expanding and blooming like a plant. During these moments, everything may seem to be going well, and you may feel content with where you are in life. It’s natural to want these moments to last forever.

However, there comes a point where you’ve grown so much that the only way to continue growing is to uproot yourself, much like replanting an overgrown houseplant. The cycle goes as follows: seed-grow-uproot-replant-settle. And then, the cycle repeats itself.

Despite knowing that growth awaits on the other side, the process of replanting isn’t always enjoyable. It’s often extremely difficult. You have to make the choice to leave the familiarity of your comfort zone for the unknown. Leaving behind what’s familiar, feeling exposed and vulnerable, and mustering the courage to begin the growth process anew can be challenging. Yet, the choice is simple: you either choose to remain stagnant and hinder your growth or embrace short-term discomfort for long-term rewards.

I assure you, the temporary discomfort is well worth the rewards that await. By embracing growth, you’ll foster new friendships, discover exciting aspects of yourself, find joy in unexpected places, uncover deeper values, and achieve things you once only imagined.

Your life’s possibilities are limitless as long as you embrace opportunities for growth. The only thing that limits your potential is the pot in which you’re planted, including the phases, jobs, towns, beliefs, and relationships you’ve outgrown. The only way to discover something different and become something more is to let go of what no longer serves you and step into the unknown.

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