January 20, 2024

Needing Healing is Not a Failure.

I don’t think it’s possible to be in human form and not be in need of healing.

I know this is a bold statement, and I’d love us to reflect on it a little more here. What I am saying is that, in my opinion, 100 percent of humans on the planet are in need of healing. Or if we were to take it even a step further, what I am saying is that the nature of being human is being in need of healing.

The entire reason your soul chose to be human at this time is because your soul is in need of healing.

And oh boy, the human experience sure is designed to put us on a healing journey!

If we look closely at how things grow and develop, it is clear that all organisms and living things require difficulty and struggle to evolve. Just consider the process of a baby being born, or the roots of a tree becoming strong due to wind. Adversity seems like a necessary factor when it comes to evolving to the best of our ability.

I know we are all facing adversity as we go into 2024. Personal lives are hard, and watching the collective experience on planet Earth is really hard. But what if all of this difficulty is actually the perfect condition for your soul to evolve to its highest ability? There is no way to escape suffering when you are a human being; this is what the Buddha was explaining to us. Being human means to suffer, and this experience of suffering motivates us to heal.

And this is the beauty of being human. Each day suffering arises, and each day that means an opportunity for deeper and deeper healing arises. If we see this need to heal as a sense that we are unworthy, less than, or failing in some way then we will avoid these amazing healing opportunities being presented to us each and every day.

Healing is truly difficult. It is not smooth, graceful, straightforward, or easy to understand.

Healing never goes in a straight path. It twists and turns and throws cheap shots at us constantly. Healing requires us to stay present in the moment and remain in compassion even as the tsunami of human crisis and challenges rolls our way.

Healing is not easy, but it is also not a sign of failure that we don’t find it easy.

For myself, I find that radical honesty is my true best friend on the healing journey. Being brave enough to really admit to myself when I am pleased and when I am displeased—and to be honest about what I desire and what I don’t desire.

It doesn’t mean I am going to be presented by life with only the pleasant and desired that is within me, but at least I know my own truth and I can choose to respond to the suffering of life from those truths. I notice this choice of radical honesty has sent me on a path into my deepest authenticity. I feel a sense that the hard healing work is taking me where I want to go when I feel confident in what is true for me, even if that truth isn’t pleasant.

I know many people on the planet right now consider themselves on a healing journey and feel they have been thrown into the dizzying experience of trying to understand their own being and learn about the teachings the world has to offer about the healing experience. Intentional healing is thrilling and joyful but also depressing and hopeless at times. We see the best of ourselves and we see the worst of ourselves. We see the potential for a loving way on the planet to emerge and we see the darkness that often overcomes humanity. Being on a healing journey means you will see it all, and you will know you are healing when your sense of acceptance, patience, and compassion with these experiences increases.

Having a sense that you are in need of healing is a huge success and something to be proud of. There is never failure when we are cognizant we need healing. Instead it is a moment to celebrate because just knowing you are in need of healing is the portal to our greatest soul expansion possible.

Sending you all love on your healing journeys.


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author: Ruth Lera

Image: Valeriia Miller/Unsplash

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