February 12, 2024

Dear Valentine.

I don’t believe in Valentine’s Day, but I believe in you.

I don’t want fancy gifts or some extravagant bouquet of flowers. I want you.

I don’t value a dozen long stem red roses. But I value you.

I don’t need fine dining and mindless chatter. I need your presence and deep conversation.

I have no desire to be plastered all over social media with you so we look like we’re happy. I desire to be happy, privately. True, real happiness.

I don’t want gushing compliments without meaning. I want real and meaningful talk.

Whilst your words can be beautiful, they are not enough. Words without action are meaningless. Match your words with action.

I don’t need to hear “I love you” because it’s Valentine’s Day. Show me you love me every day.

I don’t care for flashy and fake. I care about authentic and real.

I don’t want fuss and fanfare. I want you. The raw you. The vulnerable you. The messy you. The you in all your truth.

I don’t appreciate this chosen day to display our feelings and value to each other. I appreciate displaying these every day.

I don’t love an illusion. I love you.

Read me your favourite poem. Your favourite quote. Or your favourite chapter of a book. Read to me what stirs you. What ignites you. What resonates so deeply, it brings you to tears.

Share your dreams. Your fears. Your passions. Share what scares you. What makes you happy. What lights you up on the inside.

Open your mind. Your heart. Your soul. Let me in to see all your vulnerabilities. All your nakedness. The you that is stripped bare. No masks.

Hold my hand. Kiss my forehead. Dance with me around the living room. Tell me a corny joke. Laugh at my corny jokes. Whisper nothingness that means everything into my ear.

Grab me from behind, wrapping your arms tightly around my waist. Brush your lips across my neck. Spin me around, look deeply into my eyes, and kiss my lips.

Take my hand and lead me to the shower. Slowly undress me and allow me to slowly undress you. Watch the bathroom steam up from the hot water and the increasing heat of our bodies. Lather the body wash and gently caress my body, as you wash me. Anticipation growing and urgency bubbling over. Our desire indescribable.

Let me rest my head upon your chest, whilst we lie together in silence. No need for words when the energy is so connected and so powerful.

Make me tea and let’s debate difficult topics. No pressure to agree, just respectful viewpoints, challenging each other. Opening each other’s minds to see a different perspective. Intelligent conversation. Banter. Growing together.

Let’s sit on the beach and watch the sunrise. Let it captivate us. Let’s frolic in the ocean at daybreak, the cool water a contrast against our warm skin. Our bodies so close, we can feel the electricity buzzing between us. A familiar yearning between us. Craving each other. Always craving each other.

Let’s lie in the hammock. Relaxed. Close. Giggling at something we find funny. A secret joke. Let’s talk about how blessed we are. How grateful we feel. How much we appreciate each other. How much we appreciate life.

Let’s lie naked in bed. You with your guitar. Me with my laptop, writing. You strumming your guitar, whilst I type out my words. Sharing our passions. Sharing each other. Sharing our love.

Valentine’s Day is one day a year. A day of hype to show your love. A marketing of romance, at double the price. A day of little meaning if every other day is meaningless.

My love for you is every day. It doesn’t come out one day a year. It’s not a public display to show everyone else you are my love.

My love is in the everyday monotony. It’s in the tough stuff, not just the good stuff. It’s in the honesty and vulnerability. It’s in the disagreements. It’s in the respect. The loyalty. It’s when you look at me. When you touch me. It’s when we laugh and when we cry. It’s when we are adventurous and when we are lazy. It’s when it’s us against the world. It’s when you are p*ssing me off and when you are my hero. It’s that look in your eyes when you want me. And the space we give each other to retreat in solitude.

It’s everything that cannot be captured in a bunch of flowers, gifts, or a dining experience. It’s the real life we have built, and I don’t need one day a year to show you that I love you.

Happy 365 days a year.


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author: Michelle Schafer

Image: Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

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