March 26, 2024

Jon Stewart on Trump’s “Victimless” crimes.

“Apparently the only crime in a capitalist system is using it to help the people who needs it.”

“Stealing is only justified when you already have too much.”

If you are a person who works for a living, make sure you and your friends and family are registered to vote

Anyone who needs a loan is a victim. Working people are all collectively the victims of corruption. When Trump inflates the value of his property by for example lying about how much square footage there is, this action inflates the cost of other working class people taking a loan. It also inflates the cost of nearby properties. Close properties prices are have a positive pressure on their price. This makes it less affordable for others nearby and inflates their taxes.

When Trump devalued his property for tax purposes, citizens are defrauded of legitimate tax revenue which would have been paid for public safety, veterans, schools, health, etc. ~ reddit comment


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