April 29, 2024

Apparently now “Men who don’t like Taylor Swift are prime examples of Toxic Masculinity.”

Meanwhile, tweeting on and therefore supporting the continued existence of an actually-toxic platform owned and controlled by an actually-toxic man.

Lest we indulge in trumped-out outrage over this brain fart,

“I don’t think most Taylor Swift fans think most men are shitty. I think you’re attributing too much popularity to the opinions of the vocal minority. The person who said this is a weirdo. Relatively few people would agree with that nonsense. The difference between now and 25 years ago is they now have circlejerk forums where they can regurgitate their nonsense with the few others who agree. That may result in such opinions growing a bit, due to more people being exposed to it, but they’re still the small, vocal, obnoxious minority.

And this goes for most terrible, nonsensical, bigoted or ignorant opinions. Most people just go about their lives not xxx against anyone. You just hear about the other people because that’s what gets attention.”

“I’m 50 and my dad called them “belly button gazers” when I was a kid. It’s the old version of “touch grass.” People just caught up in their own life and head, never considering that there are other people out there with different thoughts. Now with social media, you’ve got your own person feed, filling your brain with only your thoughts so much that people think everyone is like them.”

“This is an example of Toxic Feminism.

Anything masculine MUST be bad.”


The tweet (sorry, X) is missing the point. We love an artist because of our personal relationship with their story telling, their character, their community, their art, their heart.

And for what it’s worth…I like, admire, and respect Taylor as a person, though I don’t know her music much.

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