4.1 Editor's Pick
April 20, 2024

Ceasefire Now. ~ Linda Lewis

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Netanyahu’s approved air strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, on April 1st was a clear violation of the 1961 Vienna Convention, and, coming on the heels of other Israeli attacks on Iranian targets in Syria, was a provocative act aimed at establishing Israel’s military hegemony in the region.

Yet the international response to this defiance of international law was somewhat muted, so two weeks later Iran retaliated with an attack on Israel, after warning the U.S. ahead of the launch of its drones. Thus nearly all the Iranian missiles were intercepted.

But the escalation has left the rest of the Middle East terrified, and the rest of the world knows that if the escalation continues, there could be global repercussions, pulling in the US, Russia, and China.

The UN has to act!

The Security Council must pass a strong, binding resolution imposing a ceasefire that includes occupied Palestine territories, Israel, and Iran!

At the core of the conflict is the unresolved Palestinian question. Thus an end to Israel’s invasion of Gaza and the exchange of captives must be enforced, along with a clear map to Palestinian statehood and an end to all of Israel’s military control of Arab territories occupied in 1967!

To do so the UN must create an international peacekeeping force that will ensure compliance—especially in Gaza and in the West Bank. The UN has created such peacekeeping forces in the past and needs to do so again!

Most European countries have already indicated their plans to join the list of 139 states that recognize the state of Palestine. By imposing sanctions and a diplomatic boycott on those who do not abide by these UN provisions, along with the use of military force to ensure maintenance, peace in the Middle East can be achieved.

Instead it seems the U.S. wants sanctions on Iran. The world must consider that for decades Israel has gotten away with violations of international law because it faced no consequences. Israel will not stop its aggression in Gaza unless it is faced with credible sanctions.

Iran already faces further sanctions from the West, and is willing to de-escalate after its attack on the 14th—so now is the greatest opportunity for a ceasefire and for laying the groundwork for a lasting peace in the region, starting with resolving the Palestinian question!


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Linda Lewis  |  Contribution: 14,820

author: Linda Lewis

Image: Chad Davis Photography/Flickr

Editor: Molly Murphy

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