April 12, 2024

A not-super-Happy Earth Day, from Waylon.

Happy Earth Day.

It’s hard to put an enthusiastic, happy “exclamation mark” at the end of that.

And yet, much progress has been made, of late. The largest investment in climate crisis-addressing measures in history, by far, here in the US. While imperfect, progress has been rapid, and encouraging.

Still, we’re heading in the wrong direction, and quickly, and in many ways irrevocably.

So it’s an urgent call, these days. But because it’s urgent, we must root ourselves in community, good cheer, in honesty and bravery and vulnerability—and in action. We have to vote. We have to care. We have to support good over uncaring. Our task is no less than to save the earth, from ourselves, for all future generations, for all species, for all this miracle that is life, here, on Planet Earth.

So let us celebrate this dear Earth, and honor her, and steward her care. Elephant’s mission, for 22 years now, has always been to treat every day as Earth Day. Every choice matters—both big and small, both micro and macro.

Way back in 2008, we interviewed a climate expert who said we had 10 years left to take a U-turn.

Today, we’re well past that, of course. But there are hopeful signs. A newly-caring EPA, electric cars, more bike lanes and investments in trains, vegan options, a push against the plastic tide.

Caring about the Earth isn’t about being a hippie, or a liberal—it’s for all of us, caring about our home sweet home—and all future generations—our children.

So let’s care. Care in every little action. The more of us who do, we’ll normalize caring, instead of trashing. Let’s give our next generations a chance as enjoying—and celebrating, and honoring—this wonderful world.


The above image is from my second, eco-printed plastic and ink-free (!) book, It’s Never too Late: get or gift a copy at elephantjournal.com/books

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 862,280